This is a simple 'plug and play' plugin that adds a difficulty to creatures, and a Level Indication based on their distance from Spawn. The current formula to get the mobs level is by default as follows....
(((Distance from closest spawnpoint) - CenterBuffer) / Distance) + 1 = Mob Level
This gives the result of creatures 0 - 49 blocks from spawn = Level 1. 50-99 = Level 2, etc
The distance value of, 50, can be modified by your own choice
What these levels change and add...
Increases Damage / Health a monster has (these levels play into configurable formulas that increase damage and health)
Adds armor to creatures at specific increments (configurable)
Gives different loot drops based on level
Level Regions
Level regions can be created (in conjunction with World Guard) to create zones of stronger/weaker mobs!
You simply create a level region with the worldguard id and give it a level!
From there you can customize mob names based on regions!
Mob Variants
- /lrm - displays all available commands of the ones listed below (if not listed check permissions)
- /lrm butcher [radius] - kills all entities loaded in world that aren't tamed
- /lrm region - access to all region commands
- /lrm reload - saves/reloads config files
- /lrm spawnpoint - access to all spawnpoint commands
- /lrm update - updates the plugin, takes effect after server restart
- lrm.admin - gives access to most the commands above
- lrm.butcher - gives access to the butcher command
- lrm.update - gives access to /lrm update - uses auto updater to allow for automatic updates!
- Mob Hunting
- Battlelevels
- Heroes
- Skill API
- EnchantmentApi
- MythicMobs
- Health Bar
- Mob Health
- Elite Mobs
- Quests
- DungeonsXL
- MMOCore
- MMOItems
- RedProtect
- GriefPrevention (and GriefPreventionFlags)
- TardisWeepingAngels
- WorldGuard

- bukkit version
- LRM version
- links to a Pastebin including your config files and the error
Hey! pretty outdated but lets go. I was wondering if there is a file suporting 1.16.x
Great plugin! Works flawlessly. Any word on the Infernal mobs compatibility issue?
I really like this plugin! However, I'm using the RPG loot, mobs and dungeons datapack by michael9r9r and it seems that the mobs affected by the datapack lose their original health and nametags and theyre overriden by this plugin. Is there any way to prevent that? Thanks in advance
In reply to Forge_User_63249541:
Hey javdonot! I wasn't aware of that datapack could you send me a link so I can investigate?
Thanks :)
In reply to Lorinthios:
Of course! Here it is:
Really nice plugin! My world is very big, so can I just also randomize the mob levels independently from distance?
Keep up the good work!
In reply to Forge_User_58345273:
Thats how it works yes :)
Had a bug appear today, after successfully using the great plugin for a long time.
Bug Report: https://pastebin.com/75gVx7bZ
Plugins List: AdvancedPortals, AsyncWorldEdit, ChestShop, Citizens, CoreProtect, CraftBook, CrazyAuctions, CrazyCrates, CS-CoreLib, DiscordSRV, Drop-Party, dynmap*, EnjinMinecraftPlugin, Essentials, Essentials_WarpGUI*, EssentialsAntiBuild, EssentialsChat, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, ExtraGear, EZPrestige*, FabledSkyBlock, GriefPrevention, GriefPreventionFlags, GroupManager, Guilds, HolographicDisplays, HotbarPets, ItemEditor, ItemStackReloaded*, Jobs, LevelTools, LightAPI*, LightSource*, LiteBans, LockettePro, LorinthsRpgMobs, MarriageMaster, Matrix, mcMMO, MessageAnnouncer, MobArena, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-Inventories, MythicDrops, OldCombatMechanics, PerWorldPlugins*, PlaceholderAPI, PlotSquared, ProtocolLib, PunishmentGUI*, RandomTeleport, Rankup, Referral, Scoreboard-revision*, ShopGUIPlus, SilkSpawners, Slimefun, Spleef*, SuperTrailsPro*, TAB, TimeIsMoney*, TimeVote, UltimateKits, Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaRewind, ViaVersion*, Votifier, WeatherVote, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Zenchantments
In reply to Baneroson:
Thanks for the report!
I have a fix already in place, jump on my discord for the fix now or wait for the next release. Should be uploaded by the end of this week.
In reply to Lorinthios:
Thank you, I appreciate the fast response and good work. I will just wait for the official upload because its not currently causing any serious issues.
In reply to Baneroson:
Sounds like a plan! Just wanted to provide you with a quicker update path if needed
Could you ad Infermal Mobs support in the future?
Thank you for your great work!
In reply to Forge_User_44981193:
Thats a great suggestion!
What kind of support would you like to see?
In reply to Lorinthios:
I used both EliteMobs and Infernal Mobs on my server and since I use your plugin to boost the basic mobs the infernal ones can't spawn. So it would be great if you could fix this somehow and maybe rename the infernals according to match your plugins name formatting style.
In reply to Forge_User_44981193:
I'll see what I can do! Thanks for letting me know there is conflicting logic between the two plugins
In reply to Forge_User_44981193:
I went ahead and investigated what it would take to integrate and it looks like there isn't much I can do without restructuring the plugin simply to support Infernal Mobs.
The easier update would be for Infernal mobs to not use
EDIT: Sent a message to the Plugin Dev, waiting response
Love this Plugin! Please add Grief Prevention support.
In reply to kamikazifrosty:
What sort of grief prevention do you need? I'm happy to queue up this work :)
Also I'm much easier to reach on discord if you're able to join. But I understand if you cant as well
In reply to Lorinthios:
GriefPrevention is a player land-claiming plugin : https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/griefprevention.1884/
. it allows players to make safe areas. Thank you for the fast reply. i will join the discord discussion.
In reply to kamikazifrosty:
Response for general awareness. This was completed!