Stats 3.1.1-RC
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UploadedSep 27, 2016
Size949.02 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8
First time using Stats 3? Better read the whole changelog!
- Fixes conversion issue (Stats_death not being found)
- Removed Votifier support due to incompatibility.
3.1.0-RC - First official release candidate
- Adds back the Votes stat
- Adds back the TopPVPStreak stat
- Fix multiple issues with the Stats 2 -> Stats 3 conversion process
- Add back custom stats (Note: Stats 2 custom stats will not be converted!)
- Fix the Fishing stat, thanks to bitbucket user "Khran"
- Multiple other small bug-fixes
Whats' new in 3.0.2
- Fixed casting issue making the /stats command not work properly
- Fixed the TimesKicked stat
- Change the way data is saved (incremental instead of overwriting) for the stats that support it (implement Summable)
- Fixed timestamps not being stored properly, leading to huge time-values
- Added converter for the PVP table. This marks 3.0.2 as fully Stats 2-converter compatible. You can safely convert from Stats 2 to Stats 3 if you wish. NEVER FORGET THE BACKUPS
- Fix issues #235, #236, #238, #240, #242, #243, #244 and #245 and some sub-issues from #239.
- Made PVP Streaks and PVPTopStreak work.
What's new in 3.0.1
- Shade in Fanciful to make messages pretty
- Update messages.yml to contain all messages for all stats
- Add more info to /stats
- Fix tickets #218, #220, #223, #230 and all their duplicates
- Fix some other synchronization issues
- Added signs, more info on how to use them will be up on a separate page soon
Old changelog for 3.0.0:
It's here. Stats, version 3.0.0!
Please read the WHOLE changelog before downloading
What's new
First things first, the whole structure of the plugin has changed. It will now be super simple for me to implement Stats for other server mods, such as Sponge or Rainbow. This first version only supports Bukkit enabled server-mods, such as CraftBukkit and Spigot.
The config
The config has gotten an overhaul. You now have extreme control over what the player gets to see. More info on this will be available soon, but you can fiddle a bit with the example stats.
Also important is that you can now choose your own storage engine. By default, flatfile and mysql are supported. If you want to switch from MySQL to FlatFile, you will be able to do this in the future using a command. DO NOT change the value to flatfile and expect everything to be converted. It will not happen.
API overhaul
There's a completely new API. The way of getting the StatsAPI object is still the same (package might differ), but all methods are new. You can add your own StorageEngine, your own Stats, manipulate player data and soon even more.
I'm coming from Stats 2, what do I do?
Stats 3 has a converter already built-in. All you have to do is download the new jar, drop it in your plugins folder and remove the old jar. Leave the config and all other stats-related files there.
I have another question!
But of course! Ask away in here or throw me a question on my twitter.