Stats v2.0.0
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UploadedMay 15, 2014
Size339.60 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
- CB 1.7.9-R0.1
These changes are all changes from v1.37->2.0.0
- Adds UUID support. This means that Stats will only work CB #3034 and up. If you are not using CB #3034 or higher, please use Stats v1.38->1.37-FIX version
- Massive changes to the API and the way Stats are created/handled.
- Massive table layout change. This breaks WebStatsX, please use Fluid MC Stats instead.
- Fix server-hang on shutdown/reload
- Fix default value for snapshot_name being wrong MySQL syntax
- Some fixes to /stats reset
- Adds /stats resetall. Permission node: stats.resetall
- Adds support for permission nodes per-stat. Node stats.track gives access to all stats, otherwise give stats.track.<statName> to only track specific stats.
- Adds PVP-table, pvpstreak and pvptopstreak stats
- Adds new sign-type: rightclick
- Adds Stats_system table, containing some relevant info on the server
- Adds money stat. Note that this method is quite costly, so if you're worried about lag I suggest you disable this stat.
- Adds /stats create, /stats drop, /stats add and /stats set. More info on main page.
- Adds ignoreAFK
v2.0.0-DEV 2
Please make a backup of your entire database before installing this update. It's always safe to do this, but I'm unsure if the UUID system works (it seems to, but I've had cases where I had two UUID's for some reason).
- Implement UUID system. This means that, as of this version, Stats is only compatible with CB build #3034 and up.
- Greatly improve API for DataLoader and DataSaver. You can now specify the column in which the data is and the columns on which it depends (and of which the values are the Object[] in the StatData object).
- Changed Projectile to ProjectileSource
- Major fix losing data before it gets put in the database for the first time
- Add pvp-table, pvpstreak and pvptopstreak stats
- Fix DeathSaver not working at all
- Fix server hang on shutdown/reload
- Fix reset and resetall command
- Fix it trying to do MySQL stuff while it has not been set up yet.
- Fix default value for snapshot_name being in wrong MySQL Syntax.
- Adds support for permission nodes for every stat. The node is stats.track.<statName>
- Add /stats resetall command, this resets everyone's stats. Use with caution! Permission node is stats.resetall