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UploadedMay 6, 2016
Size382.25 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.9
- Use HikariCP for connection pooling
- Build against Java 7 and Minecraft 1.9
- New versioning scheme
This supports all versions of Bukkit from 1.7.2-R0.3 onwards, including 1.8
Main changes
- Supports UUIDs - see this wiki page for a short description of the limitations of the migration system
- Supports WorldEdit version 6 and up - unfortunately this means dropping support for previous versions of WorldEdit
- Database insertion optimisation which in tests logged actions six times faster using a local database, and over 250 times faster when the database was on a different server than LogBlock
Fixes and improvements
- Logs itemdata with values over 256 (logs potion types and item durability)
- Better support for inventory types such as trapped chests
- Fix error when trying to query a double chest without WorldEdit installed
- Correctly log fireballs
- Log players extinguishing fire
- Support utf8mb4 text logging (fixes error when using some obscure characters)
- Overhauled parameter parsing
- Added "/lb hide on" and "/lb hide off" to complement the existing "/lb hide" toggle
- Don't log chat from hidden players
- Fixed error when trying to query illegal triple chests
- Fixed error when a projectile that kills an entity had no source
- Wooden button logging
- Better fireball logging
- Better location querying
- Smarter smart logging
- Add TNT Carts
- Ability to disable sanity ID
- Allow more log rows
- Use UTF-8 for logging
- Comparator, tripwire, pressure plate, crop trample logging added
- Door log fix
- Better messages
- Block spreading
- Fix timezone support
- Death logging fix
- Chest decay
- Various SQL improvements (see source)
- More prepared statements
- Increase to accuracy (Thanks DarkArc)
- WorldEdit logging
- Case insensitive player ignoring
- Consumer warnings + more aggressive defaults (Thanks DarkArc)
- Use more prepared statements
- Fix timestamps on some entries
- Report progress for large rollbacks
- Falling blocks (sand/gravel) are now logged properly in the location they land
- The format of the date displayed in lookups is now customizable under "lookup.dateFormat" in config.yml, please refer to http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html for the display options
- Parameters can now be escaped with double quotes, allowing for spaces in parameters e.g (world "world with spaces")
- Blocks placed now have their data logged properly. Blocks with extra data such as stairs will now be resetted properly during redos
- Fixed bug whereby lava and water logging options in world config weren't considered
- Fixed duplicate "[LogBlock]" tags in message logging
- Fixed y axis not being considered in the radius specified by area
- Fixed possible crash on /lb tp
- Fix * permission
- Require WorldEdit once again.
- 1.57 table updates are optional
- PermissionDefault to OP
- Increase default table sizes
- Invert chest logging
- Remove worldedit auto download
- Transition to maven
- Use async chat event
- Add metrics
- Small performance increases
- Fix derpy fake inventory plugins throwing npes.
- Make use of the new chest logging system
- Remove the use of old permissions systems
- Properly log block replacement.
- Added option to disallow tool dropping to prevent item duplication.
- Removed double logblock.tp permission.
- Fixed config updater error.
- Check if EntityChangeBlockEvent is triggered by Enderman.
- Fixed onlinetime logging for players.
- Fixed npe in /lb me.