The new build is a COMPLETE-REWRITE and ive tested it to some extent and need help of the community with testing it. if you do experience any errors PLEASE file a ticket!! I can't find every bug in the plugin all by myself and if you see an error and just uninstall it the plugin can't get any better. Thanks for taking the time to read this -zack
LockDown allows server administrators to easily change their server to "LockDown", A secure mode that kicks all players without a certain permission from the server and then keeps them from logging back in, players with a special permission node can bypass the plugin. The message that players recive when they are kicked is definable in the config.yml.
Current version
1.5.9: Complete re-write!
Intended use
- To allow server owners to keep out unwanted players for building or maintaining the server.
- Other possible uses: keep griefers out, just enable LockDown, and it will keep them from logging in.
- The commands are pretty self explanatory.
- /ld enable - Enables LockDown.
- /ld disable - Disables LockDown.
- /ld status - Tells you if LockDown is enabled or not
- /ld reload - Reloads the configuration file.
- /ld info - Lists the version , authors and other basic info about the plugin
- /ld urgent - bypasses ALL configuration settings and locks the server down instantly.
- the status and reload commands are only in 1.5 , please update to this version! we also now have Metrics so i can see how many of you guys use the plugin!
- If for some reason you don't understand an option in the configuration file please read the page here and read the readme.yml! If you have any trouble please watch this video courtesy of elloc72
The permissions vary depending on what file you have! if you have the LockDown.jar use the LockDown permissions
- mm.toggle permission to toggle MaintenanceMode
- mm.bypass permission to bypass MaintenanceMode
- ld.toggle - Permission to turn LockDown on or off.
- ld.bypass - Permission to bypass the plugin
- ld.help - permission to do /ld help
- ld.reload - permission to do /ld reload
- ld.instant - permission to do /ld instant
- ld.bypass - permission to do /ld bypass
- ld.status - permission to do /ld status
- ld.info - permission to do /ld info
- ld.* - permission to do all lockdown commands
Help me Help you!
If you get an error please do the following:
- Post your version of LockDown (can be found using /ld info)
- Post your CraftBukkit version(Cna be found via /version)
- Post the error! Use pastie!
Source code
If you'd like to take a look at the source code, take a look at the repository located here
Bug Reporting
- If you have an issue, feature request or something of that nature feel free to tell me by submitting an issue report here
Change log
- Fixed a large issue with console commands. added more permissions added more commands
- Added new permissions nodes and added /ld urgent, as per a user submitted request.
- Added an auto-updater, updating to this would help me alot because when you guys report bugs it makes it way easier to get that update out to all the users
- Fixed a few small typos, added the info command.
- Fixed a few typos in the broadcasts.
- fixed a MAJOR permissions bug
- corrected the readme.yml and config.yml
- Added a readme file
- Added a toggle for all broadcasts
- Added a command to reload the config
- Added a setting to change the MOTD while LockDown is enabled
- Fixed a few bugs
1.4 MAJOR Update!:
- added persistence!(modes stick over reloads and restarts)
- made the delay in seconds, not ticks
- added a new command "ld status" that tells you if LockDown is on or off
- added a check to see if LockDown is enabled/disabled already when you try to enable/disable it, so that you don't have fake broadcasts
600 downloads! woot! :D- one THOUSAND downloads? 0_0
- I'd like to thank The awesome people over at #BukkitDev who helped me squash quite a few bugs!, id also like to thank Chriz_Night and SpartaMercenary for helping me learn how to do alot of the things i did in this plugin!
It works, but its not at all like it was when it was first released.
lots seemed to have changed.
@LegndPowerdNube It should be, if you get any errors let me know.
Is this 1.5.1 compatible?
@zack6849 I'll change the listener priority if I have time...
Because both plugins are trying to change the MOTD i've just checked his code and he has his listener set to the maximum priority, so my plugin and his will both try to use it, quick fix is to disable motd in the config.
It does not work if you use MotdManager.
It is alerady implemented
I have a feature request, I am unsure if this is actually in the plugin but what I was thinking is if its in 'Lockdown' mode, it sets the MOTD (Minecraft Client Server List) to appear as sometihng like "LOCKDOWN MODE!" I strongly hope you implement this into the plugin, if you do please send me a PM on bukkit dev. Thanks.
I suggest that you read the repository (that is openly provided to all users and non-users) before making such accusations against our plugin. Do not base accusations such as yours upon the kind of "evidence" that you have. Instead, test all your plugins and when you find the plugin that actually caused this problem, please blame that plugin's author.
Are you implying that my plugin is malicious?
I'd like to remind you that every release of every plugin on bukkitdev is decompiled and reviewed by experienced developers, so I can garuntee that my plugin is not malicious. feel free to look at the repository yourself or if you're extremely paranoid build it from source.
Please do some research before insulting me and my work by claiming my plugin is malware.
is a bot adder
moment i used this plugin it bypasses my antibot and starts placing bots
<mod edit> This plugin contains no code whatsoever that does this. The above statement is false.
no problem, thanks for the feedback
Very nice plugin! Works fine! :D
hm, ill check to be sure because i could've sworn it worked yeah its working just fine for me! perhaps delete the old config and old plugins, including the one in the updates folder (if there is one) then try
When i saw this was updated i had high hopes that this would fix the empty config i get.
How My config looks at the moment:
defaults: {} ld: true broadcasts: {}
Very much alive, just been spending most of my time on SuperLogger and my irc bots :)
Im still running the old version with 1.4.6 Never had issues used it twice. Anyways. Nice to see your still alive Zack. Havnt seen you for awhile.
Im sorry, ill work on it more i suppose, ive been busy with other stuff recently
well... 1.4 HAS come out... its on 1.4.7 now and you should be able to update by now.... I WANT THIS PLUGIN SO BAD
Here is a feature request for something that I thought would be useful.
Often when I am updating plugins on my server, there are players online and I don't want to restart and boot them off, but I would like a restart as soon as possible so...
How about a feature that, when enabled by an OP or with the correct permission, will perform a one-time restart of the server as soon as it is empty? As far as I know, no other plugin that I have found will do a restart on empty.