

Main Commands Developer FAQ



bypasses all commandsLocationTeleport.admin
/ltshows plugin infoLocationTeleport.admin
/lt listshows all teleportsLocationTeleport.admin
/lt createcreates a teleportLocationTeleport.admin
/lt deletedeletes a teleportLocationTeleport.admin
/lt updateupdates the pluginLocationTeleport.admin


More info:

  • -/lt will show plugin information, such as version, name, developer and updates.
  • -/lt list lists all current Teleports. if no Teleports will show, you may had changed the structure of file:”teleports.yml”.
  • -/lt create creates a teleport from your current position to given coordinates.
    Arguments: <x> <y> <z> <World>
    <x>: X-Coordinate of the Teleport destination -Integer
    <y>: Y-Coordinate of the Teleport destination -Integer
    <z>: Z-Coordinate of the Teleport destination -Integer
    <World>: Destination Teleport World -Unique String name

    Other Arguments:
    • /lt create loc1 - will save your current location temporary until you perform
    • /lt create loc2 - thats saves a teleport between loc1 location and loc2 location.
      You can always put "s" or "simplex" as the last argument to make the Teleport to ONLY go one direction. (it will ONLY go from loc1 to loc2, not also from loc2 to loc1 as made by default).
      (Or unnecessarily put "d" or "duplex" as the last argument to make the Teleport to go both directions, this is made by DEFAULT.)
      • /lt create -254 43 142 world
      • /lt create -423 43 312 world simplex
      • /lt create loc1
      • /lt create loc2
      • /lt create loc2 s
  • /lt create areaTeleport (ignore case) will create a Teleport from current WorldEdit area selection to your current position. WorldEdit Required Example:
    • /lt create areateleport
  • -/lt delete deletes a Teleport
    Arguments: <number> - will delete the specified Teleport (OPTIONAL: use /lt list first to list all Teleports)
  • -/lt update will update the plugin the latest file on bukkit/curse. I recommend to perform /lt first to see the current version and latest bukkit version.


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