HELP_MAIN=Main command: /linkedchest or /linkchest or /lchest or /lc
HELP_ADMINS=Default admins commands: add<n><o> | admin<n> | config <p><v> | open<n> | remove<n> ; <n> = chest name  ; <o> = options (a=admin chest) ; <p><v> = conf param and/or value
HELP_PLAYERS=Default players commands: alias<c> | details<c> | list | help<c> ; <c> = command
HELP_CHEST=The chest name can contains: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ et -, for 1 to 20 characters.
HELP_INVALID_CMD=Invalid help command.
HELP_ADD=Create a master chest from the targeted chest by specifying its name and options. Example: /lc add myChest a ; (a=admin chest)
HELP_ADMIN_CHEST=Chest option and command to modify the admin status of a chest. Example: /lc admin myChest
HELP_ALIASES=Display all aliases of the command. Example: /lc alias add
HELP_CONFIG=Display the current plugin configuration or update a given configuration parameter. Example: /lc config language en, /lc config debug, /lc config
HELP_DETAILS=Display chest details. Example: /lc details myChest
HELP_LINK=Link the targeted chest to a master chest. Example: /lc link myChest
HELP_HELP=Display the main help when used without parameters or the help for a specified command. Example: /lc help help
HELP_LINKED_CHEST=Main command of the plugin used before all other commands. Example: /lc help
HELP_LIST=Display the available linked chests or those which start with given letters. Example: /lc list a
HELP_OPEN=Remotely open a master chest. Example: /lc open myChest
HELP_REMOVE=Remove the link to a master chest. Example: /lc del myChest
HELP_UNLINK=Unlink the targeted chest or unlink all chests linked to the given master chest. Example: /lc unlink myChest
HELP_VERSION=Display the plugin version. Example: /lc version
ALIASES_AVAILABLE=Available aliases for the command {command}:
ALIASES_UNKNOWN_COMMAND=Invalid aliases request: {command} is unknown.
MASTER_CHEST_ADDED=The master chest {chest} has been added.
INVALID_CHEST_NAME=Invalid chest name : {chest}
CHEST_ALREADY_EXISTS=The chest {chest} already exists.
REMOTE_OPENING_CHEST=Remotely opening the chest {chest}...
OPEN_CHEST_FAILED=Unable to open the chest {chest}.
CHEST_REMOVED=The chest {chest} has been removed.
REMOVE_CHEST_FAILED=Unable to remove the chest {chest}.
CONFIG_LIST=Current configuration:
AVAILABLE_CHESTS=Available chests:
FOUND_CHESTS=Found chests:
OPENING_MASTER_CHEST=Opening master chest {chest}...
OPENING_LINKED_CHEST=Opening linked chest {chest}...
CANNOT_OPEN_WITH_BLOCK=You cannot open a linked chest with a block in hand.
MASTER_CHEST_UNBREAKABLE=You cannot destroy the master chest {chest} without removing it previously.
DEBUG_ENABLED=Debug enabled.
DEBUG_DISABLED=Debug disabled.
CHEST_IS_ADMIN=The chest {chest} is now restricted to admins.
CHEST_ISNOT_ADMIN=The chest {chest} is not restricted to admins anymore.
CHEST_ADMIN_FAILED=Unable to modify the admin status of the chest {chest}.
CHEST_DETAILS=Details of chest {chest}:
CHEST_NOT_FOUND=The chest {chest} doesn't exist.
UNKNOWN_COMMAND=The command {command} doesn't exist.
COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED=You are not allowed to use the command {command}.
PERMISSIONS_ENABLED=Permissions enabled.
PERMISSIONS_DISABLED=Permissions disabled.
CANNOT_PLACE_CHEST_NEARBY=You cannot place a chest nearby the master chest {chest}.
TARGET_CHEST_ALREADY_MASTER=You cannot do that. The targeted chest is the master chest {chest2}.
TARGET_CHEST_ALREADY_LINKED=Unable to add the chest {chest1}. The targeted chest is linked to the chest {chest2}.
TARGET_CHEST_NOT_EMPTY=The targeted chest is not empty.
TARGET_CHEST_SIZE_INVALID=The targeted chest is not big enough to contain the items of the chose master chest.
CURRENT_VERSION=Plugin current version: {version}
ACTION_OPEN_CHEST_ADMIN=You are not allowed to open an admin chest.
ACTION_OPEN_MASTER_CHEST=You are not allowed to open a master chest.
ACTION_OPEN_LINKED_CHEST=You are not allowed to open a linked chest.
ACTION_PLACE_LINKED_SIGN=You are not allowed to place a sign to link a chest.
TARGET_BLOCK_ISNOT_CHEST=Target block is not a chest.
CANNOT_LINK_MASTER_CHEST=You cannot link the master chest {chest}.
CANNOT_UNLINK_MASTER_CHEST=You cannot unlink the master chest {chest}.
CANNOT_LINK_LINKED_CHEST=The targeted chest is already linked to the chest {chest}.
CANNOT_UNLINK_CHEST=You cannot unlink this chest as it is not linked.
LINK_CHEST_FAIL=Unable to link the targeted chest to the chest {chest}.
LINK_CHEST_SUCCESS=The target chest has been linked to the chest {chest}.
UNLINK_CHEST_FAIL=Unable to unlink the targeted chest.
UNLINK_CHEST_SUCCESS=The targeted chest is no more linked to the chest {chest}.
UNLINK_CHESTS_FAIL=Unable to remove the links of the chest {chest}.
UNLINK_CHESTS_SUCCESS=All links of the chest {chest} have been removed.
BREAK_LINK_CHEST=You have broken a chest linked to the chest {chest}.
CONFIGURATION_UPDATED=Configuration updated:
CONFIGURATION_PARAM_UNKNOWN=Configuration parameter {param} is unknown.
CONFIGURATION_VALUE_INVALID=The value {value} for the configuration parameter {param} is invalid.
CONFIGURATION_UPDATE_FAILED=Unable to update the configuration parameter {param} with value {value}.
CONFIGURATION_VALUE_NEEDED=The configuration parameter {param} needs a value to be updated.
LINKED_CHEST_INFO=linked chest(s).
LINKED_CHESTS_POSITIONS=Positions of linked chests for the master chest {chest}:


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