
Thank you for choosing to use LinChat.

Config Structure

LinChat uses a simple configuration structure.
It is split into 3 sections:

  • Config.yml
  • Setting up Prefix,Suffix,ChatColor
  • Setting up group members


#================== LinChat ==================#

# Project page:
# Copyright 2013 Licence LinCraft(林)
# This is NOT a permissions plugin

# Plugin settings
  Name: '&c[&aLinChat&c]'
    Info: '&6'
    Error: '&c'

# Make LinChat your default chat plugin
Default: true
# Use permission to chat?
ChatPerm: true
# Allow nicknames? (Currently Not avaliable yet)
# Command for nicknaming /linchat nick <player> <nickname>
# Nicknames: false

#======= Chat Settings =======#
# Chat Tags
# {chatcolor} - The color that the groups's messages are displayed in
# {groupname} - The raw group name of the player 
# {message}   - The message that is sent
# {nickname}  - The display name of the player (If nicknames are disabled this will return {username})
# {prefix}    - The prefix of the player
# {suffix}    - The suffix of the player
# {username}  - The players username
# Default format for chatting
Format: '{prefix}{nickname}{suffix}: {chatcolor}{message}'

#====== Group Settings ======#
# The groups listed bellow will generate a config file
# The file willed be inside of plugins/LinChat/Groups
# The file will be named whatever you have listed bellow
# The file stores the prefix, suffix of the group
- Default
- Member
- Moderator
- Admin

As shown above, that is the default config.yml and the basic groups have been setup already. If you want to add new groups just add them underneath the groups already there. The global chat formatting is also changed here, it is very flexible so feel free to experiment just by changing it and running the command /lc reload. All the groups listed will generate a new file where the group configuration is stored. Somethings to look out for:

  • The default plugin setting currently doesn't do anything so you can leave that
  • Nicknames currently dont work Version 1.0
  • There is no duplicate checks in case you entered the same player twice in a group

To allow players to chat if you have ChatPerm set to true give them the permission node:

  • -

Prefix, Suffix, ChatColor

Here is an example of Member.yml which is created by default

ChatColor: ''
Prefix: ''
Suffix: ''
Players: ''

When the file is created, the settings should be empty like this, Even if it is empty, the plugin wont generate errors, it will just ignore the chat formatting for this group.
Here's an example of a completed version

ChatColor: '&6'
Prefix: '&a[&bMember&a]'
Suffix: '&6(Gamer&6)'

Group member Configuration

Lastly you need to add players to the group. This is done just like how you add new groups. Here's is an example of a completed Member.yml with members in the group.

ChatColor: '&6'
Prefix: '&a[&bMember&a]'
Suffix: '&6(Gamer&6)'
- jacklin213
- tiggerXD
- killerhugh13

Hope you understand everything, feel free to leave a comment if your unsure and have fun using LinChat
Make sure to report all bugs using the ticket tracker


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