This is a very simple Plugin that allows users (maybe your donators) that have creative to use Worldedit in WorldGaurd regions where they are owners to.
How it works
(I will assume you understand how to use WorldEdit)
WorldEdit block updates are only applied to WorldGaurd regions that the player is owner to.
For Moderators: please make sure you understand WorldGaurd and how to define a region and set the player to owner of this region.
The players will still have to have all the required permissions to use worldedit.
This plugin now supports all worldedit commands
LimitedWorldEdit.bypass | allows user to use worldedit anywhere. (pretty straight forward I hope) |
Development Builds
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Development builds can be found here
Support and like my work? Donate to keep development going.
I have spent many hours creating and perfecting this plugin for public use, and I expect many more hours still to come through updating and adding features requested by the community. You can even spare a buck or two, after all, every little bit helps! If you are unable to donate, it would still be awesome if you could let me know how the plugin is working for you and leave a thanks in the comments section.
Inbuilt Updater
This plugin utilizes an external version checking system, which means that the plugin makes a connection to and the following may occur:
- The plugins version checked
- Downloading of the plugin files
The update can only occur if AutoUpdate is set true in the config.yml
This plugin utilizes Hidendra's metrics system in order to keep track of the plugin's popularity, as well as other metadata. The following information is collected and sent to
- Unique identifier
- Java version
- Offline/online mode
- LimitedWorldEdit version
- Server version (i.e. Bukkit 1.6.4, Spigot 1.7.2)
- OS name, version and architecture
- Amount of CPU cores
- Amount of players online
- Metrics version
To disable it please go to plugins\PluginMetrics\config.yml
I hope to give it a try soon when Bukkit is back to recommended again.
when you say you don't have set perms is the message "You are not owner of this region"
the following are my plugin messages
LimitedWorldEdit v0.1
For some reason, even with this version, it still tells me that I don't have / /set perms (twice) in the area even though I'm in a region that i own.
WorldEdit version 5.5.5
WorldGuard version 5.7.3
This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-750 (MC: 1.5.1) (Implementing API version 1.5.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
Yeah I think I can do that.
redefine I don't think would be a good idea because it could cause too many problems
This plugin is still needs a lot of features added. some commands like stack and paste would bypass this.
I personally recommend only giving them the following commands (I will edit my page on this) wand set replace walls pos1 pos2 hpos1 hpos2
A player can bypass the region by using "stack"... They can stack past the WG boundaries
Would it be possible to maybe make more indepth permissions? For example: Player owns this regions, he is allowed to use wand, /region define, /region redefine (of that area) only? Would be brilliant, then players can use a region mangement plugin to sell houses they make in a village. Maybe like; LimitedWorldEdit.we.wand LimitedWorldEdit.wg.define LimitedWorldEdit.wg.redefine
in terms of limiting I could add some delay but limiting blocks would have to be done using WorldEdit config as I don't want to have conflicts
Using player's inventory sounds good but that will take some time to work that out.
Thanks uvbeenzaned I will be uploading soon on what I have done so far (I want to try and find most of the bugs :D)
Thanks paradocsic1982 feel free to give suggestions on anything you want or don't want.
Thanks WizardCM feel free to subscribe :D
very good plugin, One recommendation, Make it so the worldediting includes using up items in the players inventory and a limit to how many blocks can be done at a time is in the config, Abuse could be purposely crashing servers, spawning + mining diamond blocks (with set) and tonnes of other possibilities like grief.
Ahh yes, good to see this finally. I tried to make a plugin similar to this one once and kinda just gave up on it. I hope you have success. Can't wait to use it.
Looks promising waiting to test it
Will be keeping an eye out for this, looks like what I need.