Light Essentials

Light Essentials

What is LightEssentials?
LightEssentials is a plugin that tries to help player in need of a small server management tool. Unlike essentials or commandbook, this plugin is extremely lightweight (but more features will come in the near future). If you would like to see a feature added, leave a comment or a ticket please!


/gm <gamemode> <player>:
Sets a players gamemode. If you would like to set yours, leave the player field empty.
Acceptable Gamemodes: creative, survival, adventure, c, s, a, 0, 1, 2

Sets your own gamemode to creative

Aliases: /gmc

Sets your own gamemode to survival

Aliases: /gms

Sets your own gamemode to adventure

Aliases: /gma

/item <item> <amount> <player>:
Get/Give an item. Leave the amount and player field blank to gain a singular amount of specified item. Leave the player field empty but fill in the
amount field to gain a certain amount of specified item. Fill in all fields to give a player a certain amount of specified item. Can either use
item ids or item names.

Aliases: /i

/teleport <player> <player> or /teleport <player> <x> <y> <z>:
Teleport players to each other or a player to a certain x,y,z coordinate. Supports decimals.

Aliases: /tp


Gets permissions to all the gamemode commands

Gets permissions to all the give/get item commands

Gets the permissions to all the teleport commands

Thanks and remember to comment and leave a ticket. Thanks!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 16, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 16, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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