

Here you'll find a step by step setup procedure. I will be great if somebody can send me a video about this process. Thanks in advance. IMPORTANT: You have to know to play CTW before creating a map, there are several game concepts I will not explain here, if you haven't saw CTW before I highly recommend you to see a video or play it on a server like Libelula.ME Network.

Setting up the server lobby

The very first thing we need for setting up a server lobby, this is the same like essentials Spawn or other similar plugins with the advantage you can setup as many spawn points you want and players will appear on them randomly. After installing the plugin get on the server, go to your server lobby and run the following command many times as needed:

  • /ctwsetup lobby addspawn

If you commit a mistake or want to redefine the lobby spawn points you can erase it all by typing: /ctwsetup lobby clear

Create or load your map World

The first thing we need for setting up a game is a map stored in a Minecraft World.

Creating a new world

First of all you need a map for playing the game, you can create a new world by using the command /createworld. For example the following command will create an empty world called map1:

  • /createworld map1

Loading an existent World

Libelula Ultimate CTW is a World Manager so you can use it for loading existent worlds. If you already have a map created or a downloaded one, you can load it with the command "gotoworld". For example the following line will load a previously created or downloaded world called LibelulaMap which is on the server folder:

  • /gotoworld LibelulaMap

Setup your map

Add your map to the game

Now after running either previously command you should be in a new world. After creating a map on it you have to tell the plugin this world is a map. For that just type the following command:

  • /ctwsetup map add

The plugin will show you the name of this new map (same as the world) and will give you the instructions to continue setting up the game.

Set up the map spawn point

By default the plugin will use the world spawnpoint as a default one, but you can change it by typing the following command:

  • /ctwsetup mapconfig spawn

Set up the RED team spawn point

Type the following command:

  • /ctwsetup mapconfig redspawn

Set up the BLUE team spawn point

Type the following command:

  • /ctwsetup mapconfig bluespawn

Set up the Map in-game players limit

With the following command you will setup a limit for in-game players (spectators don't count). Remember this limit can be overridden by players with ctw.override-limit permissions:

  • /ctwsetup mapconfig maxplayers #

Where # is the max number of players.

Set up the RED win points

As you may know, the point of the game is to capture the wool from the enemy's base and bring it to ours. At this point we will configure where the RED team must to place the wool as well as which wools they must to capture. All in the same command, so take from your inventory the wool colors RED team must to capture and type the following command:

  • /ctwsetup mapconfig redwinwool

After that place the wools where they must be placed for win. If you commit a mistake just break them an replace it again. After this command you have to type the following one to continue:

  • /ctwsetup mapconfig continue

IMPORTANT: Both RED & BLUE wool win points must be protected (see "/ctwsetup mapconfig protected" command bellow) before the game starts, otherwise the plugin will not detect the wool has been placed.

Set up the BLUE win points

The same as RED but with the follwing command:

  • /ctwsetup mapconfig bluewinwool

Then type the following command to continue:

  • /ctwsetup mapconfig continue

IMPORTANT: Both RED & BLUE wool win points must be protected (see "/ctwsetup mapconfig protected" command bellow) before the game starts, otherwise the plugin will not detect the wool has been placed.

Set up the RED TEAM restricted areas

At this point you have to setup the RED Team restricted areas which means areas where the RED team can't access to. For example: The BLUE spawn (for preventing spawnkills) or the BLUE Wool capture areas. For that just use the World Edit wand tool for selecting a area and type the following commands:

  • /ctwsetup mapconfig rednoaccess

You can repeat this command as many times you need, if you commit a mistake with a area you can erase it by typing /ctwsetup mapconfig removeregion standing on the area to be removed. When you finish defining the RED restricted areas just type the following command to continue:

  • /ctwsetup mapconfig continue

Set up the BLUE TEAM restricted areas

The same as RED but using the following command instead:

  • /ctwsetup mapconfig bluenoaccess

Set up the map Protected areas

In these areas, none of the teams can edit. It is too important to protect the places where the wool must be placed for win Also you can use this feature for protecting other places of the map where you don't want players remove or place blocks. I always recommend to protect players bases. Chest, Doors and items inside a protected area can be used. Just select an area with World Edit and type:

  • /ctwsetup mapconfig protected

Set up the map weather and time

By using the following command:

  • ctwsetup mapconfig weather [fixed=[storm|sun]|random]

You can setup the weather on your map. For example if you want to always been sunny on the map just type:

  • ctwsetup mapconfig weather fixed=sun

Also you can change the Day-Night Cycle with the Minecraft GameRule and Time commands, for example if you want to set current map to noon ever just type:

  • /gamerule doDaylightCycle
  • /time set 12:00

Set up the map wool spawners (optional)

This step is optional but recommendable, you can setup as many wool spawners you want by placing wools after typing the following command:

  • /ctwsetup mapconfig woolspawner

Placed wool will turn into a Wool Spawner immediately. When you finish type the following command to continue:

  • /ctwsetup mapconfig continue

Set up the map restoration area

In this step you will tell to plugin which area must be restored when the game finish. In other words: You have to define a World Edit area containing the entire map. For performance reason try to make this area as tight as as possible. Players will not be able to modify the map outside this area. The command is:

  • /ctwsetup mapconfig restore

Cloning a map

If you want to make 2 identical maps, after you have configured the first one you can use the following command for coping it, where newMapName is the name of the new map. This action will copy the entire world as well as it configuration. Very useful for creating similar versions of the same map (a nether or end version for example) :

  • /ctwsetup map copy newMapName

Setting up the game room

A game room must be configured for allowing players to play a map. The game room must contains at least 2 arenas, because the plugin restores the unused one slowly mean while players play in the other. If you have only one configured map and you are too impatient to play it I recommend you to copy it into another with a similar name (adding a 2 for example). Then configure the room with both.

Creating a room

Create a game room with the following command where [room name] is the name of the room. It must be a single world which may have up to 16 letters:

  • /ctwsetup room add [room name]

Adding maps to your room

Remember a room must have at least 2 maps, I have not limited this in the plugin but if you play in a room which have a single map strange behaviors can occurs. For add maps to your already created room just type the following commands:

  • /ctwsetup room addmap [room name] [map name]

Enabling your Game room

The last step in game configuration is to enable the game room. You have to type the follwing command where room name is the name of your room:

  • /ctwsetup room enable [room name]

Game Sings

The way to get in the game is by using signs. Just place a sign and write "CTW" in the first line and the room name in the second. If you did it well the sign will change for something like this:


Where "sala1" is the room name, 21 is the in game players (it was taking from the production server), 32 is the player limit for this map, and "MenkeChina" is the name of the map.

Some extra help

Plugin gives you some extra-help if you type the base of the commands, for example by typing:

  • /ctwsetup room

You will receive all room management commands, like remove, list, etc.


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