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I've found a bug.A player that both ps from the shop had it placed, when he remove it, it was like a normal block(in my case just a normal emerald block).But still the protection was On.When i try to remove it /ps remove-all-ps [name], the massage was saying that all ps are removed from that player etc, but then again he still had the protection On...Cant pvp em etc.I try it several times, the same massage was send to my by the ps plugin(all ps are removed from that player),no result tho..The only thing that it pops in to my mind is that i sell it Via ChestShop(i make the 1st block in hand and then select the shop and Sell-through it, so all the blocks are made by me) not the Shop that is shown in the Plugin's page...If this is the problem i siggest that in the Plugin info page should be added a notise that it is better to sell it true the Shop show, cuz the plug in may not be compatible with some "Shop Plugin's"Idk, this may be the case.Please provide some info.Thx in advance.
Ive replaced the shop with the normal sign shop as it is in the description and he placed it normaly and then i removed it with the cmd and everything was fine. Please add the notise in the Shop description. Thx
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