
This plugin gives players the ability to increase their maximum health just by gaining experience levels. Every few levels a player gains, his maximum health will increase. LevelHearts is highly configurable offers a set of command to change health and maximum health of any player! No client mods required!


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Available in Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Thai

What it does

LevelHearts makes your maximum health increase when you gain levels: 


Click on an icon to learn more!

More maximum health: Increase your maximum health by gaining levels. Every few levels you get, your maximum health will increase! Commands: Flexible commands to change health and maximum health of any player. Even available for command blocks! Configurable: Make LevelHearts perfectly fit onto your server by configuring everything you want. Almost all features can be en- and disabled easily. Permissions: Choose what every member of the server can or cannot, or let it to LevelHearts' defaults! Translation support: Change every message of LevelHearts, and have the plugin in your language! Choose from multiple official translations or submit your own! Easy to use: Install it once, don't worry about the plugin again. LevelHearts auto-updates config files and checks for updates.


This is as simple as it gets: Just put it into your /plugins folder of your server and your good to go! Enjoy!


/health Displays your current health and let's you change it.
/maxhealth Displays your current maximum health and let's you change it.
/lvlhearts Displays LevelHearts version and generic help.

Detailed command list


LevelHearts will automatically generate a config.yml configuration file. If you want to reset or update it, just remove the current one and LevelHearts will create a new one. In the configuration file, you can change default maximum health and limit, increase level interval, permissions, particle effects, and more!

Configuration documentation

Permission documentation

Pre Made Configurations

Just replace the downloaded config.yml with your current one and reload the server.

u7uu7u7's Style Maxhealth increases every 10 levels; when you die, you loose your maxhealth. Download Pastebin
yogbox Style You start with 3 ❤ and your maxhealth increases every 5 levels. Download Pastebin
More Health Enhanced Mod Style You start with 20 ❤ and your maxhealth increases every 5 levels. Download Pastebin

Feel free to submit your own configurations!

Supported Level Modes

By default, LevelHearts will use the default Minecraft experience level to calculate the maxhealth levels. You can change the level mode in config.yml / maxHealth.levelMode. Supported modes are (other plugins may add new modes):

Report Issues / Suggest Feature

Please use our issue tracker to report issues and suggest features.

Bitbucket Issue Tracker


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Metrics / Update checking

Since v1.4.7 this plugin sends statistics information to bstats.org (and in versions prior since v1.2 to mstats.org). You can disable it in config.yml / enableMetrics = false. Also the plugin checks dev.bukkit.org if there is a new version available. LevelHearts will not download anything to your server and will just print a message with the download link. You can opt-out this in config.yml / updateChecking.enabled = false.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 22, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Sep 20, 2018
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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