

LegendQuest can take some setup to get customised to your liking, so here's a quick overview of hot to get started.


When first run LegendQuest will create the following files if they are not found.

This file contains the main database settings, some global configuration for game setting such as experience loss rate, combat mechanics et al.
This file contains the text for all messages for LegendQuest. This is your first port of call if you want to translate or change and of the default messages.
Normally almost empty, this file is used to set global defaults for skills.
Have a look in here for errors if you're having problems setting up races/classes. also send this is your raising a support ticket ;)
If your on SQLite database settings (the default) this is the database of your player characters. Backup this to store your players classes/races/experience and skill bindings.
This folder is empty to begin with - any LegendQuest skill jar files should be placed here.
This folder contains the race config files, 1 or more files must be in here - default file included undecided.yml, human.yml, elf.yml, dwarf.yml. You should have at least one race file, even if you are planning on a race-free system. In which case you need just one basic file to set the default health and mana.
This folder has all the class configs. Defaults include fighter.yml and ranger.yml.


LegendQuest allows players to level up their character in one or more classes such as fighter, mage, thief. Each class offering different abilities and benefits. By mirroring the setup of classic tabletop RPG mechanics LegendQuest brings a new level of depth to Minecraft RPG servers. You can even roll dice!

Each player has a set of stats - the classic STR, DEX, INT, CON, WIS and CHR, along with a race, a class and 1 or more skills. They begin with the race and class flagged as default in their config files, and stats either randomly based on their name - or a flat set of 12s if you want to be boring :p

You can use the /stats command to your your character info - or /stats [playername] to view another character. You can use the /stats full command to view a more detailed set of info.

Players can change the race once (so choose carefully). /race list (or /races) will show the available options (which can be limited by permissions nodes if you want to offer premium races based on player rank. /race [racename] will select the race you want.

/classes or /class list with show the classes available to you. This depends on permissions, race and other already "mastered" skills. Once level 150 (configurable) is achieved a class is "mastered" and will forever retain its level if class is later changed and changed back. Dependencies allow a class to require a selection of mastered classes - or just one from a list of options. This lets complicated career path type progression to be setup.

/class [class name] will select a class, if this would result in lass of levels you'll be asked to confirm this selection.

Once you have a class and race, you can see skills available with /skill list or /skills. Skills that you own have a * next to them. Each skill has a level and a cost. Skills with a cost of 0 are automatically unlocked as you reach that level. Skills with a cost need to be purchased. Skill points are earned as you level, and you can use /skill buy [skillname] to select these skills.

Skills also can have dependencies - and with costs this also allows a complex skill-tree to be implemented if desired. Or you can just set costs to 0 and stick to a pure levelling based system.

Some skills are passive and are always on. Some are triggered and come into play then the correct event fires. The rest are active and are used on demand.

To use an active skill you can use /skill [skillname]. Or you can use /link (or /bind) whilst holding an item to link that items right click to using the skill without typing. links# or /binds will show your current linked items.

Finally you can use /roll to perform a stat test. /roll STR easy sablednah would do an easy strength based test for the player sablednah. This allows you to do bring a traditional element of table top RPG into Minecraft.


If not disabled in config, then the players stats have a big effect on combat.

Combat hit test

An opposing skill test is done using the Dexterity Attribute modifier of the attacker and defender. (Mobs having a default 0 modifier). If attacher beats defender then the blow hits.

On average this means that about 50% of combat "hits" miss.

Some skills increase (or reduce) your modifier to hit and to doge.


When the difference in size is pronounced then the defender receives a dodge bonus.

Damage modifiers

One you do hit then again stats come into play. STR is used to modify damage inflicted, and DEX of the target to modify amount soaked.


More detailed breakdown of the mechanics of various parts of LegendQuest can be found in the forums.


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