

LegendQuest uses the following commands.

description: Control the LegendQuest plugin.
aliases: [legendquest,lquest,legendq]
you can use /lq <commandname> in place if any of the following commands, if another plugin has taken ownership of that command. e.g. /lq stats sablednah is functionally the same as /stats sablednah
description: View or set your race.
aliases: [lqrace,lquestrace,legendqrace,legendquestrace]
use /race list to list available races, /race info <racename> to read race descriptions and /race <racename> to select your race.
Same as /race list. Use /races full to view list with descriptions
description: View, choose, or change your class's.
aliases: [lqclass,lquestclass,legendqclass,legendquestclass,clas]
use /class list to list available classes, /class info <classname> to read class description, and /class <classname> to select your class. You can also use /class sub <classname> to choose a secondary class. Changing before mastery will result in a warning message that require repeating the selection with a confirm suffix.
Same as /class list. Use /classes full to view list with descriptions
description: View, choose, or change your Skills.
aliases: [lqskill,lquestskill,legendqskill,legendquestskill]
Use /skill list to list skills your race and class have. Those you can use are marked with a *. /skill info <skillname> will provide a description of a skill and #/skill <skillname> with use a triggerable skill.
/skill buy <skillname> will buy a skill that requires skillpoints.
Some skills support command line arguments to target a player or provide more information /skill <skillname> [args]
Same as /skill list
description: Link skill to item.
aliases: [lqlink,lquestlink,legendqlink,legendquestlink,bind,lqbind,lquestbind,legendbind,legendquestbind]
/link <skillname> links right clicking with the selected item to the skill specified, so you don't need to type /skill <skillname>. /link list shows all your current links.
/links | /binds
Same as /links list
/unlink | unbind
Removes any skills linked to the help item type.
description: Get your player stats
aliases: [lqstats,lqueststats,legendqstats,legendqueststats]
List your current stats. Or use stats <playername> to view another players stats if you have permissions. You can add full to either option to view more detailed stats.
description: Get your health aliases: [lqhp,lquesthp,legendqhp,legendquesthp]
List your current health.
description: Get your player karma
aliases: [lqkarma,lquestkarma,legendqkarma,legendquestkarma]
List your current karma. Or use karma <playername> to view another players karma
description: Test an attribute
aliases: [lqroll,lquestroll,legendqroll,legendquestroll,test]
/roll with a combination of: <player> <str|dex|con|int|wis|chr> <integer|very_easy|easy|average|tough|challenging> to roll the dice to perform a test for roleplay purposes.
description: Party skills
aliases: [lqparty,lquestparty,legendqparty,legendquestparty]
/party create <partyname> will create a new party. XP is boosted for players in a party and then shared among party members nearby.
/party join <partyname> will send a request to join a party to the party owner.
/party approve <playername> will approve a players request to join your faction.
/party tp | /party teleport teleports player to wherever the most members of their party are.
description: Admin skills for forcing class/race changes, changing level and awarding XP.
aliases: [lqadmin,lquestadmin,legendqadmin,legendquestadmin]
/admin class <playername> <classname> Force a players class to change.
/admin race <playername> <racename> Force a players race to change
/admin xp <playername> <amount> Award XP to player (can be negative)
/admin karma <playername> <amount> Award karma to player (can be negative)
/admin level <playername> <level> Change player level to <level>
/admin reset <playername> Reset a player as if just joined (default class/race/level 0)
/admin effect <effect> [duration] [radius] Spawn effect <effect> where you are looking
/admin effect <effect> <world> <x> <y> <z> [duration] [radius] Spawn effect <effect> at the co-ords supplied.
description: Seta a player flag.
aliases: [lqflag,lquestflag,legendqflag,legendquestflag]
/flag <key> <value> [playername] Set the flag called <key> to the value <value> for self - or username if supplied.
Current valid entries for key - are "hidesidebar" which can have a value of true or false.


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