Temporary channels configuration

Temporary channels configuration

Temporary channels file

enabled: trueEnable temporary channels?
format: '{default}'Channel's format (found in Config.yml)
color: GREENChannel's color
shortcutAllowed: trueAllow /<nickname> or /<name> to send messages? (ex.: /g <message>)
needFocus: falseNeed to focus to see messages? (/ch)
distance: 0.0Max channel distance (0 = global)
crossworlds: trueSend message in all world?
delayPerMessage: 0Delay to send messages (seconds)
costPerMessage: 0.0Cost to send messages (need Vault)
showCostMessage: trueSend message saying the cost?
maxChannelNameLength: 15Max channel name length
maxChannelNicknameLength: 5Max channel nickname length
maxJoinsPerPlayer: 0Max temporary channels per player (0 = infinite)
maxAdminPerPlayer: 1Max temporary channels created per player (0 = infinite)
maxJoinsPerChannel: 0Max players per channel (0 = infinite)
maxModeratorsPerChannel: 0Max moderators per channel (0 = infinite)
..canKick: trueModerator can kick
..canInvite: trueModerator can invite
blocked_names:Block creating temporary channels with certain names/nicknames
- admin
- mod
blocked_colors: []Block creating channels with certain colors


Commands & Permissions


TempChannel Command list


See at the main page.
Search for: legendchat.tempchannel.