Plugin configuration


language: enPlugin language (en / br / cn)
default_channel: localDefault channel
..use: trueUse bungeecord? bungeecordBungeecord channel
check_for_updates: trueCheck for updates?
log_to_bukkit: falseShow messages in console
..use: falseSave chat log?
..time: 10Save cache every X minutes
block_repeated_tags: trueBlock {groupprefix} being equals to {prefix}
show_no_one_hears_you: trueShow message that no one saw?
block_shortcuts_when_cancelled: trueShortcuts cmds (/g) should be cancelled with commands?
force_remove_double_spaces_from_bukkit: trueFix some incompatibility with Jobs
send_fake_message_to_chat: trueHigher compatibility with other plugins tags
maintain_spy_mode: falseSpy mode will only deactivate when server restart
use_async_chat_event: trueUse async chat
text_to_tag: []See text_to_tag section
format:Channel format
..default: '...'
..bungeecord: '...'
..spy: '&8[SPY] &7{msg}'
private_message_format:Private message format
..send: '...'
..receive: '...'
..spy: '...'
..use: trueUtilize censor function?
..censored_words:Censored words
..- censor_with_stars
..- censor_with_replace;replace_here

Format tags for channels

TagReplaced by
{name}Channel's name
{nick}Channel's nickname
{color}Channel's color
{sender}Sender's display name
{plainsender}Sender's plain name
{world}Sender's world name
{prefix}Player's prefix (using Vault)
{suffix}Player's suffix (using Vault)
{groupprefix}Player's group prefix (using Vault)
{groupsuffix}Player's group suffix (using Vault)
{bprefix2}Prefixes found in bukkit message
{bprefix}Prefixes found in bukkit message (SimpleClans in compatibility mode)
{bsuffix}Suffixes found in bukkit message
{server}Player's server name (Only for bungeecord channel)
{groupnameprefix}Group prefix tag (if they are inside the group)
{groupnamesuffix}Group suffix tag (if they are inside the group)
{time_hour}Hour of the day
{time_min}Minute within the hour
{time_sec}Second within the minute
{date_day}Day of the month
OthersOthers tags should be added by other plugins

Format tags for private messages

TagReplaced by
{receiver}Receiver's name
{sender}Sender's name
{ignored}If the message was ignored (spy mode only)


Some plugin needs to add some kind of text to chat format? Use text_to_tag instead of using Legendchat's format.
I will show how to use with an example, PvpLevels.

In PvpLevels you can put in chat [LEVEL] and [KDR], but in Legendchat you can not do this inside the format (it will not work).
Instead, you will use text_to_tag.

How to do:
1- Go to text_to_tag and it will be like:
text_to_tag: []
2- Change it to:
- 'level;[LEVEL]'
- 'kdr;[KDR]'

- 'tag;text' (tag = will be your tag to use in the format, ; = separator, text = text that you should use, originally)

Then you should go to the format and add the new tags: {level} and {kdr}

That is all. =)