


+ Addition: Private messages added to log
+ Addition: Mute channel with /mute
+ Addition: Fake message is now async
+ Addition: Date/time tags to format
+ Addition: Console can now send and receive private messages
+ Addition: Censor to private messages
+ Addition: Better file update system
+ Addition: Censor replacement
+ Changed: Language files location
+ Changed: UTF-8
+ Addition: /mute <channel>
+ Addition: /tc list [page]
+ Changed: /ch (Now lists all available channels)
+ Changed: /lc deltempchannel > /lc deltc
+ Removed: /lc listtempchannels
+ Addition:<channel>.blockmute
+ Addition: use_async_chat_event
+ Addition: maintain_spy_mode
+ Fixed: Issue with marriage
+ Fixed: Issue with SimpleClans-Legacy (more info at FAQ)
+ Addition: addTag (ChatMessageEvent)
+ Addition: getBukkitFormat (ChatMessageEvent)
+ Addition: AfkManager
+ Changed: Spy at PlayerManager now use String


+ Addition: Simplified chinese translation (Special thanks to Liouftgoo)
+ Addition: /lc deltempchannel <channel>
+ Addition: /lc listtempchannels
+ Addition: /tempchannel (or /tc)
+ Addition: /<channel-name> (work as /<channel-nickname>)
+ Addition: legendchat.tempchannel.manager
+ Addition: legendchat.tempchannel.manager.color
+ Addition: legendchat.tempchannel.manager.user
+ Addition: legendchat.admin.tempchannel
+ Addition: text_to_tag
+ Addition: log_to_file
+ Addition: send_fake_message_to_chat
+ Update (inside plugin only): force_remove_double_spaces_from_bukkit
+ Fixed: needFocus (channel config)
+ Fixed: issue with Mac .DS_Store
+ Fixed: issue with CommandBook
+ Update: Channel is now an interface
+ Addition: TemporaryChannelManager
+ Addition: LogManager
+ Addition: ConfigManager
+ Update: createChannel -> createPermanentChannel
+ Update: setPlayerChannel -> setPlayerFocusedChannel
+ Update: getPlayerChannel -> getPlayerFocusedChannel
+ Update: getPlayersInChannel -> getPlayersFocusedInChannel
+ Update: isPlayerInAnyChannel -> isPlayerFocusedInAnyChannel
+ Addition: createChannel(Channel c) - New function
+ Addition: getChannelByNameOrNick(String name_or_nick)
+ Addition: existsChannelAdvanced(String name_or_nick)
+ Addition: getPlayersWhoCanSeeChannel(Channel c)
+ Addition: canPlayerSeeChannel(Player, Channel c)


+ Better Factions compatibility (See FAQ for more)
+ Changed some wrong messages in commands
+ Fixed permission legendchat.admin
+ New API command to ChannelManager => sendMessage(Player p, String msg)
+ New basic censor at config.yml (API: CensorManager)
+ New command: /lc playerch => Change player channel
+ New config at channel file, needFocus => Need to focus in channel (/ch) to see messages (useful for help chats)
+ New tags for channel formatting at config.yml => {groupnameprefix} and {groupnamesuffix}


First release.