Keep punishment records. +more #1

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to icyrelic
  • _ForgeUser9862374 created this issue Jul 9, 2014

    I love the plugin. I have been using Ultrabans for years and I was looking at different options. I ran across LB and tried it out and so far I really like it. There is only a few things that you are missing I would consider to be essential to a punishment plugin.

    First, after a tempban expires or a player is unbanned, the info about their ban is removed from the database. This info should not be removed from the database. As well, warns, kicks and mutes should also be stored in the database. On my server and many many others, we don't have linear punishments. A lot of us use exponential punishments. For example if a player on my server constantly spams, we first warn them, then kick them, then tempmute them, which should also be added to LB, then we tempban them for 3 days, then 5 days, then if they still haven't gotten the idea they get permanently banned. Before my staff or I carry out any punishment we do a /checkban to check their record for previous violations to see what the next appropriate punishment should be. The way yours is setup, we can't check that. We can only do /checkban and see if that player is currently banned.

    To summarize. What should be added/changed.

    - Keep all punishments permanently store within the database. Warns, kicks, tempmutes, mutes, tempbans, bans & permabans.
    - Make it so /checkban checks for all punishments a player has received and prints them out below Currently Banned: yes/no.
    - Add /tempmute so we can specify an amount of time for a player to be muted and auto unmuted after time expires.

    I really hope you consider my suggestions.

  • _ForgeUser9862374 added the tags New Enhancment Jul 9, 2014

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