
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


This is a fully customizable player launcher plugin, similar to the launch pads on The Hive.

Why I built this and why should you use it?

There are a lot of launchpad plugins out there, each with a different name but mostly with the same code and features. So, why on earth should you choose mine?
Well, unlike all those plugins, LaunchPlates was initially made by me, for my own use. I did my best to make it full of features you might not even thought of (each of them totally configurable), while keeping it as lightweight as possible. This allows you to configure it to your liking, with the only limit being your imagination (and my laziness of adding features - luckily, I'm trying to keep it updated with new ones every month), making your (hub) server totally unique!
It deserves giving it a try, right?


  • Create launch-plates with any blocks you want to use
  • Set the speed the player will be launched with
  • Use any speed you want even if using NoCheatPlus
  • Set the sound to be played on launch - multiple sounds supported!
  • Set the effect to be played on launch - multiple effects supported!
  • Send the player a message when they are launched
  • Make players immune to fall damage till they hit the ground
  • Players can now get launched even when riding other entities (horses, minecarts, even custom entities supported!)
  • All the above are configurable, you can even disable the features you don't want to use!
  • Reload command
  • Lightweight, with little to no effect on server performance!
  • Built against Spigot 1.8.3, supports all 1.7+ servers, not tested against BUKKIT versions prior to 1.7
  • More coming soon! (comment to suggest new ones)


  • /lp - shows some info about the plugin and displays a help page. Can be disabled in the config.
  • /lp reload - reloads the plugin. You can use /launchpads, /launchplates, /launchplate or /launchpad instead of /lp if you want.


  • lp.reload - this will allow players to use the /lp reload command
  • - this will allow players to use the /lp command.
  • lp.use - players WITHOUT this node won't get launched when stepping over launch plates.


  1. Stop your server.
  2. Drag and drop the plugin jar into your plugins folder.
  3. Start the server.
  4. Join your server, place down a redstone block and a stone plate on top of it. As you step over it, it should launch you into the air.
  5. Edit the config to your liking (example here)
  6. Enjoy!


Portuguese video by @simbamix (CyberForce on YouTube - link to his channel)


  • Add /lp and /lp reload command. The /lp command should display info about the plugin, and you'll be able to disable it in the config. /lp reload will reload the configuration. DONE!
  • Ability to play multiple effects and sounds on launch. DONE!
  • NoCheatPlus support to allow launching at REALLY high speeds.DONE!
  • Point to point launching (stepping on a certain plate will make you jump to a certain configured point, regardless of where are you looking or going)
  • /lp launch command (this will launch the player when entered).
  • New features! (I need more ideas!)

How to update from older versions

Maybe I'll soon add an updater system that will make such things easier, but till then, here's what you have to do:
Most of the updates won't require you to remove the old database or config, so you'll only have to replace your old LaunchPlate jar with the updated one. However, there will also be some versions that will require database removal or a config back-up. I'll mark those versions in the update change-log, so you'll know what you have to do by simply having a look at the log.

For versions that require config updates, you should simply rename the old config to "old-config.yml", and when the updated version loads, it will copy the values from the old config's fields that are still in use in the new config, and then it will send a message to the console with a link to the latest version's change-log, so you'll be aware of the new config fields.

For versions that require database removals, you should simply remove the .db file from your LaunchPlate folder (if using SQLite), or drop the old MySQL database LaunchPlate used (is using MySQL). This means you'll also have to place all the LaunchPlates all over again, but fortunately this kind of updates will only be uploaded really rarely, for hot-fixes or dangerous bugs.


This plugin uses Metrics Lite, a lightweight system for web statistics that provides me with valuable data. Being very lightweight, it should have no impact on your server's performance, so there should be no reason for you to disable it. However, if you really want o disable it, you have two options: disable it totally or disable it for my plugin only. For totally disabling it, all you have to do is go into the Metrics folder inside your plugins folder, open config.yml and set opt-out to true. If you only want to disable it for my plugin, you can open the config.yml file located in the LunchPlate folder, find the 'use-metrics' setting under the 'Misc' cathegory, and set it to false. If you totaly disabled metrics, there's no need to set this seting to false. stats


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 30, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Jul 31, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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