How to use
When you create a kit, an inventory window will appear, allowing you to insert the items you want in your Kit. You can also insert armor into any kit so that players will automatically wear it when they spawn the kit. Here is a visual representation of how the inventory window translates into the player's inventory when creating kits:
Flags are values that you assign to a kit, which change how the kit is spawned. You can edit the flags of a kit by using the /kit edit command. For example:
Command | Description |
/kit edit basic announce false | Sets the announce of kit basic to false |
/kit edit basic overwrite true | Sets the overwrite of kit basic to true |
/kit edit basic clear true | Sets the clear of kit basic to true |
/kit edit basic delay 10m | Sets the delay of kit basic to 10 minutes |
Flags can be modified for one-time-use when using the /kit command to spawn kits. For example, if kit basic has a default delay of 20 seconds, players can use /kit basic -delay to spawn the kit without the delay. If kit basic has a default overwrite value set to false, players can use /kit basic +overwrite to overwrite their current inventory.
Flags can only be used in-line if the player has the kits.flags.flag permission, where flag is the name of the flag. Here is a list of currently available flags:
Flag Name | Description |
overwrite | Overwrite existing slots when spawning a kit |
clear | Clear the inventory before spawning a kit. Only works if Overwrite is set to true |
announce | Announce to the player that a kit has been spawned for them |
delay | Add a delay between kit spawning times |
Delays are written using y (years), mo (months), d (days), h (hours), m (minutes), s (seconds) and ms (milliseconds) as an expression. A valid delay is written like 1h30m20s, which translates to 1 hour 30 minutes 20 seconds.
As of Kits v2.1, delays can be written literally - "1 month 2 days, 3 hours and 4 minutes & 5 seconds" is a valid expression.
Players with the kits.sign permission can spawn kits by right-clicking on Kit signs. Additionally, only players with the kits.admin permission can create Kit signs. Kit signs can also use flags:
Players do not require any spawn or flag permissions to use Kit signs.
Why does it say that kit doesnt exist. i have essentails but idk how to get the sign to work plz help
When I Try To Make A Kit It Don't Let Me It Just Says Kit Doesn't Exist! Case Name Are Sensitive
@JJAO2 you guys have to go to the essentials folder and add the # to the kit sign than type [kit] Name Of The Kit
on the sign
Here is a picture.
Click here to see the picture
Hey, please could you make it so it doesn't delete your whole inventory when you choose a kit or at least make it optional in the config.yml :) Thank you
You can turn clear off via command /kit edit [Name] clear false
Hello guys, when i try to add a delay to a kit (For 24h) it makes the delay for more than a year. Please fix this issue, thanks!
Mine says an internal error has occurred while attempting to perform this command
When i write /kit barbarian(the name of kit I create),something gone worng and disconect me from the server and it says : "Connection lost Internal server error"
can you tell me how to fix that ?
MCKarlo01, did you do: /kit create barbarian
that's how to make the kit, if you want to GET the kit, I have no clue, i want to know that too. mine says the same thing randomizedboss says "an internal error has occured while attempting to perform this command"
someone please help. :)
Hello as I can make special kits for donors such as vip kit and stuff?
Not working on 1.8 or am I doing it wrong? After creating the kit and do /kit <KIT_NAME> all it says is An internal error occurred while attempting to preform this command. It also does not list the kit I created in the list. It does, rather, note of it in the kits.ylm. I know it says for 1.7.X so UPDATE it please.
You should make it so you can add a potion effect to a kit through flags.
Say, if someone wants to choose the Tank kit, then Slowness will be applied to them.
Hi, i keep getting "An internal error occurred while attempting to preform this command." I created 2 kits and BOTH are not showing up when i try and view them in /kits but are in my kits.ylm. Have correct perms but still not working?? :(
same problem
How do we create a kit ?
Some of the community took the liberty of updating this plugin to 1.8 and I can confirm the plugin works for Spigot! Look in the comments starting on the main page for this plugin.
Example of the sign?
kit wont delay for 1mo automatically starts counting 1y 1h
Same problem.
Is there a command to add potion effects to a kit?