KingKits v3.1.0


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  • Uploaded
    Dec 30, 2014
  • Size
    162.52 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8.1


KingKits v3.1.0

Updated to 1.8 and 1.8.1.

Bug fixes

  • Dyed armour can be in an inventory slot - not just armour.
  • Blocks and pumpkins can now be used as helmets.
  • GUI menu now works.
  • Signs fully work.
  • Golden Apples and Potions don't automatically change.
  • Fixed GUI preview.
  • Fixed PvPKits returning null when getting player kits. This fixes KingKitsSpecial.
  • 'Name' in the kits.yml config now works with selecting kits in both the Kit GUI and command.
  • Fixed kit listing and the "Use permissions for kit list" configuration key.
  • Heads with skins now work in kits.


  • Spigot and Bukkit automatic updater is now built-in.
  • Made the kit menu a bit more efficient (code-wise).


  • Disable item-breaking for armour/tools per kit.
  • Added MySQL support for Scores.
  • GUI items can now have dyes (if applicable)
  • New config option called 'Multi-inventories'. If true, the plugin'll act as if your server has different inventories per world, regardless of whether you actually have a plugin. This'll automatically be set to true if you have set a "Multiple world inventories plugin" in the configuration and it's enabled.
  • You can now add <displayname> which is replaced by the player's display name for commands and killstreak commands.

How to set up MySQL:

1. Go into the configuration and fill in/change the MySQL property keys.

2. Make sure scores is enabled.

3. Save the configuration.

4. Reload the configuration (/kk reload).

5. You're done!

All previous versions of KingKits between v3.0.3 and v3.0.9 (inclusive) are on the Spigot page.
