KingKits v1.0.9
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UploadedMay 20, 2013
Size56.10 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.5.2-R0.1
KingKits v1.0.9
- Added a "Command to run when changing kits" option in the config. A command will run when the play sets his/her kit. Just type in a command to run without the forward slash. If you want the kit they chose to be included, type any of the following, "[kit]" or "{kit}" or "<kit>". Any of these 3 are replaced by the kit the player chose. If you want their player's name, type any of the following, "[player]" or "{player}" or "<player>".
- Added a "Disable block placing and breaking" option in the config. If true, no one can place or break blocks except OPs (if OP Bypass is enabled).
- Added a "Disable death messages" option in the config. If true, Minecraft death messages wont appear when someone dies.
KingKitsSpecial v1.0.1
- Added a new special ability called "Barbarian". This feature has not been finished yet and wont work. I'm just uploading it with this version because I already had it in the code.
- Added a new special ability called "Carrotman". If a player eats a carrot, they get night vision effect for a configurable amount of time.
- Added a new special ability called "Zombie". A zombie can never attack a player that is using this kit (without another plugin/command) and the zombie will never follow the player when they see him/her.
KingKits v1.0.8
- Attempted to fix "One kit per life" option. Don't know if it is fixed or not, not tested.
- Fixed potion effects not being reset when a player changes kits.
- Minimized the chance of getting the error message: "Couldn't register the permission node: ".
- Added a "Remove potion effects on leave" option in the config. If true, all active potion effects will be removed from a player when they leave the server or get kicked.
- Added a new feature where when a player right clicks with a compass, the compass points to the nearest player around him.
- Added a "Set compass target to nearest player" option in the config that controls the above feature.
- Added a new permission node for the above feature: kingkits.compass
- Added a new feature called "FastSoup" or "QuickSoup" where when a player right clicks with mushroom stew, it swaps their stew for a bowl and either heals them or feeds them. To feed them, the player's health must be above a certain number which is currently 14.
- Added a "Quick soup" option in the config that controls the above feature.
- Added a new permission node for the above feature: kingkits.quicksoup
KingKits v1.0.7
- Fixed ? instead of & error in the lores configuration.
- Added a scores option, adding prefixes to players with their score (customisable), with lots of customisable features in the configuration,
- Added an "illegal character" checker in the create kit command. Prevents errors in the kit configuration.
KingKits v1.0.6
- Finally fixed ALL permissions and made kits kingkits.kits.<kit>
- Added a "Drop items" option in the config. If false, players using kits cannot drop items.
KingKits v1.0.5
- Changed /rlconfig to /reloadkits
- Added leather dye support.
- Made /reloadkits reload potion effects config and dye config.
KingKits v1.0.4
- Fixed a few bugs.
- Fixed the permission node and now it is finally kingkits.kits.<kit>
- Added an Auto Update feature. (Configurable)
KingKits v1.0.3
- Fixed kits list not showing up when joining.
- Fixed kit sign creating.
- Fixed kit sign using.
- Fixed remove kit on death.
- Fixed remove kit on leave/kick.
- Fixed clearing inventory on leave/kick.
KingKits v1.0.2
- Fixed all known bugs such as you can now choose a kit without getting 10000 errors.
- Fixed Potion Effects.
- Fixed ArrayOutOfBoundsException error.
- Fixed player's unable to use kits again.
- Fixed kit signs.
- Added an update checker. (Configurable in /plugins/KingKits/config.yml)
- Added "One kit per life" option in the config.
- Kits are no longer case sensitive!
- Removed accidental credits on /createkit, /deletekit and /kit!
KingKits v1.0.1
- Added potion effect support to kits.
KingKitsSpecial v1.0.0
- First release of this plugin!
KingKits v1.0.0
- First release of this plugin!