What is Kingdoms?
Kingdoms lets you create Kingdoms with a capital, villages and paths with an internal rank system and grief protection.
Creating villages cost Score and a village has a 'bank' that is needed to claim new/more land. Players can donate items and in-game money to increase that bank. Score can be increased by having a full village or winning a raid.
When you create a kingdom the capital chunks are automatically claim around you, the king can then add villages etc. to the kingdom. All claiming and protection uses minecraft chunks (16x16 block area).
Rank | Abilities | |
1 | novice | No building abilities at all (no building/breaking blocks, using buttons/levers, opening chest etc.) |
2 | resident | All building abilities inside own village. |
3 | builder | All building abilities inside all the villages. |
4 | architect | All building abilities inside all the villages, paths and the capital |
5 | village assistant | All the previous abilities + helping the leader manage his village (adding/kicking people, claiming land, ...) |
6 | leader | All the previous abilities. |
7 | kingdom assistant | All the previous abilities + helping the king manage all villages |
8 | king | All the previous abilities |
Here's a basic video (Watch in HD!):
- Download the recommend build of Kingdoms
- Place the file in your plugins folder and start the server.
- Install Vault for economy support with Kingdoms.
- Edit the config(s) in the /plugins/Kingdoms/ folder.
- Reload server and have fun :D
Kingdoms doesn't need a permissions plugin, but if you do use one:
- kingdoms.resident: Gives you permission for the basic resident actions (DEFAULT = TRUE).
- kingdoms.spawn: Gives you access to the spawn command if needed (see config.yml)! (DEFAULT = FALSE)
- kingdoms.override: Lets you override building restrictions! (DEFAULT = FALSE)
- kingdoms.admin: Gives you permission to create and destroy kingdoms (DEFAULT = FALSE).
- kingdoms.*: Gives all permissions (DEFAULT = OP).
Use /k or /kingdom to see all the kingdom commands you have access to.
Use /v or /village to see all the village commands you have access to.
Use /r or /resident to see all the resident commands you have access to.
TODO list:
- Add custom translations
- Post all your ideas HERE
KingdomExtra is plugin that will extend Kingdoms with features for spout(craft), chat etc.
Nuthing again just the jar file
What did I do wrong with installing The Kingdoms Mod since it wont show up any commands when I type /k, /v, etc. it only shows the title like, "
--Kingdom Commands-"add me on skpye ill screen share with you jessica57137 :D
can you screen cap the console window when you first run it with only kingdoms.jar in your plugins folder
Right now I can't really tell what the error is because I changed how all the promote and demote commands work in the 0.2 but I would suggest making sure the name is spelled correct. Most of the time the nulls are me forgetting to check if the name you put in is actually a person in a village.
still broken for me this time i deleted all my plugins for this one
and no reply message in consol
nuthing loads but Kingdoms file nuthing else config missing every thing is gone D:
I cant demote village assistants! I get a big long error:
null at com.montropolis.Kingdoms.Commands.DemoteVillageAssistantCommand.execute(
maybe, it might just be that bukkit doesn't support that many plugins so some of them are failing, or it could be one of them is interfering. I suggest deleting the kingdoms folder and restarting to see if it regens everything. Does the plugin at least load? Like do you get the start up message in the console? If so then if you could send me that it would help.
Maybe one of plguins is stoping it do your think it is
lol i have over 200 plugins but this is the one not working for me
Alright I fixed this problem, as to your other problem with building rights if you want him to build only in the town put him as rank 2. I am not sure why rank 3 isn't working for you but I will look into it.
Sorry , my fail. BUT: king: TEST Villager: TEST1 Playet: TEST2 When i create kingdom(by admin, TEST), village leader is TEST1 and set a player TEST2 to Builder(group-3) he cant build anywhere. But when i set group-4 he can build anywhere (in village and capital too)
I dont know how to set this : TEST 2 can build only in Village
thanks and sorry 4 english
Hello, nice plugin, but:
2012-01-10 12:59:47 [SEVERE] null org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'kingdom' in plugin Kingdoms v0.1.1 at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand( at at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a( at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a( at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b( at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a( at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w( at at Caused by: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck( at java.util.ArrayList.get( at com.montropolis.Kingdoms.Commands.AddVillageCommand.execute( at com.montropolis.Kingdoms.util.CommandHandler.dispatch( at com.montropolis.Kingdoms.Kingdoms.onCommand( at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ... 12 more
Thats issue.. I cant create Villages! Start kingdoms: 2012-01-10 12:42:32 [INFO] [Kingdoms] Checking config... 2012-01-10 12:42:32 [INFO] [Kingdoms] Config found! 2012-01-10 12:42:32 [INFO] [Kingdoms] Loading config... 2012-01-10 12:42:32 [INFO] [Kingdoms] Yorkland set a Kingdom world! 2012-01-10 12:42:32 [INFO] [Kingdoms] Loading item file 2012-01-10 12:42:32 [INFO] [Kingdoms] Setting up MySQL... 2012-01-10 12:42:32 [INFO] [Kingdoms] MySQL Initializing 2012-01-10 12:42:32 [INFO] [Kingdoms] MySQL connection successful 2012-01-10 12:42:32 [INFO] [Kingdoms] MySQL setup complete! 2012-01-10 12:42:32 [INFO] [Kingdoms] Checking for Register... 2012-01-10 12:42:32 [INFO] [Kingdoms] Register found! 2012-01-10 12:42:32 [INFO] [Kingdoms] Loading Kingdoms... 2012-01-10 12:42:32 [INFO] [Kingdoms] loaded 1 Kingdoms: [Spawn.kd] 2012-01-10 12:42:32 [INFO] [Kingdoms] Kingdoms (alpha) v:0.1.1 by CameronKaye and ceulemans is enabled! 2012-01-10 12:42:32 [INFO] [Kingdoms]
Please do upgrade and solution for this issue..
There is a permission for that. The two are: kingdoms.create.kingdom kingdoms.delete.kingdom
Hey, Could you make a permission for creating but not deleting kingdoms? That is an issue for me.
Did everything i have no config or register file help or link to a zip
Fixed, don't worry about it for now, its nothing too important, it will be fixed in the next release.
I get this on a players death:
(its upside down)
You need to set up your MySQL properly, otherwise it wont work! So make sure it's on, working and you have the right details entered in the config!
Help! Whenever I run my server I get this:
10:13 PM [INFO] [Kingdoms]
# 10:13 PM [INFO] [Kingdoms] # Kingdoms # 10:13 PM [INFO] [Kingdoms]
# 10:13 PM [INFO] [Kingdoms] Checking config... 10:13 PM [INFO] [Kingdoms] Config found! 10:13 PM [INFO] [Kingdoms] Loading config... 10:13 PM [INFO] [Kingdoms] World One set a Kingdom world! 10:13 PM [INFO] [Kingdoms] Loading item file 10:13 PM [INFO] [Kingdoms] Setting up MySQL... 10:13 PM [INFO] [Kingdoms] MySQL Initializing 10:13 PM [SEVERE] [Kingdoms] SQLException! Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'mysql' 10:13 PM [SEVERE] [Kingdoms] MySQL connection failed 10:13 PM [SEVERE] [Kingdoms] Disabling plugin!! 10:13 PM [INFO] [Kingdoms] Kingdoms (alpha) v:0.1.1 by CameronKaye and ceulemans is disabled! 10:13 PM [INFO] [Kingdoms]#
In the next release you will be able to run it with SQLite