What is Kingdoms?
Kingdoms lets you create Kingdoms with a capital, villages and paths with an internal rank system and grief protection.
Creating villages cost Score and a village has a 'bank' that is needed to claim new/more land. Players can donate items and in-game money to increase that bank. Score can be increased by having a full village or winning a raid.
When you create a kingdom the capital chunks are automatically claim around you, the king can then add villages etc. to the kingdom. All claiming and protection uses minecraft chunks (16x16 block area).
Rank | Abilities | |
1 | novice | No building abilities at all (no building/breaking blocks, using buttons/levers, opening chest etc.) |
2 | resident | All building abilities inside own village. |
3 | builder | All building abilities inside all the villages. |
4 | architect | All building abilities inside all the villages, paths and the capital |
5 | village assistant | All the previous abilities + helping the leader manage his village (adding/kicking people, claiming land, ...) |
6 | leader | All the previous abilities. |
7 | kingdom assistant | All the previous abilities + helping the king manage all villages |
8 | king | All the previous abilities |
Here's a basic video (Watch in HD!):
- Download the recommend build of Kingdoms
- Place the file in your plugins folder and start the server.
- Install Vault for economy support with Kingdoms.
- Edit the config(s) in the /plugins/Kingdoms/ folder.
- Reload server and have fun :D
Kingdoms doesn't need a permissions plugin, but if you do use one:
- kingdoms.resident: Gives you permission for the basic resident actions (DEFAULT = TRUE).
- kingdoms.spawn: Gives you access to the spawn command if needed (see config.yml)! (DEFAULT = FALSE)
- kingdoms.override: Lets you override building restrictions! (DEFAULT = FALSE)
- kingdoms.admin: Gives you permission to create and destroy kingdoms (DEFAULT = FALSE).
- kingdoms.*: Gives all permissions (DEFAULT = OP).
Use /k or /kingdom to see all the kingdom commands you have access to.
Use /v or /village to see all the village commands you have access to.
Use /r or /resident to see all the resident commands you have access to.
TODO list:
- Add custom translations
- Post all your ideas HERE
KingdomExtra is plugin that will extend Kingdoms with features for spout(craft), chat etc.
This will not work for me. I got the MySQL server and everything, but it refuses to see that the database exists. I have made sure it does a couple times but it still tells me the database doesn't exist.
Ok, I'll check Vault out. Why not use register as it is compatible with all major economy plugins?
please add economy plugins support via Vault.
The MySql works fine, try using localhost:3306 as host.
When i saw this plugin i was so excited. Too bad the mysql didn't work.. I have log block and it connects to root@localhost using root for pass. But kingdoms can't. Doesn't make any sense, oh and btw i lost all my logs because i deleted mamp because it got messed up when i tried to change passwords, thanks for a headache... Your todo list should be to fix mysql or find an alternative.
Ok Im officially a dunce ! It helps if MySQL server is running. Thanks Ceulemans, I will go hide under my rock in shame
I posted this in the forums as well (too many places!), but any chance of an API/API documentation?
I only had this when my MySQL server wasn't running or my info in the config wasn't right... so check that first?
Im getting an error
java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
174 recipes
27 achievements
>ModLoader Server 1.0.0 Initializing...
23:11:36 [INFO] ModLoader Server 1.0.0 Initializing...
>Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerArray 2.0pr4b
23:11:36 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerArray 2.0pr4b
>Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerCore 2.0pr4b
23:11:36 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerCore 2.0pr4b
>Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerLighting 2.0pr4b
23:11:36 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerLighting 2.0pr4b
>Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerLogic 2.0pr4b
23:11:36 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerLogic 2.0pr4b
>Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerMachine 2.0pr4b
23:11:36 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerMachine 2.0pr4b
>Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerWiring 2.0pr4b
23:11:36 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerWiring 2.0pr4b
>Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerWorld 2.0pr4b
23:11:36 [INFO] Mod Loaded: mod_RedPowerWorld 2.0pr4b
23:11:37 [INFO] ModLoaderMP 1.0.0 Initialized
>ModLoaderMP 1.0.0 Initialized
MinecraftForge V1.2.3 Initialized
23:11:37 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.0.1
23:11:37 [INFO] Loading properties
23:11:37 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
23:11:37 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-1.0.1-R1-b1597jnks (MC: 1.0.1) (Implementing API version 1.0.1-R2-SNAPSHOT)
23:11:37 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
23:11:37 [INFO] Default game type: 0
23:11:37 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: 5607617473258443010)
23:11:38 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 5607617473258443010)
23:11:38 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 60%
23:11:39 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: 5607617473258443010)
23:11:39 [INFO] [Kingdoms] ############################
23:11:39 [INFO] [Kingdoms] # Kingdoms #
23:11:39 [INFO] [Kingdoms] ############################
23:11:39 [INFO] [Kingdoms] Checking config...
23:11:39 [INFO] [Kingdoms] Config found!
23:11:39 [INFO] [Kingdoms] Loading config...
23:11:39 [INFO] [Kingdoms] world set a Kingdom world!
23:11:39 [INFO] [Kingdoms] Loading item file
23:11:39 [INFO] [Kingdoms] Setting up MySQL...
23:11:39 [INFO] [Kingdoms] MySQL Initializing
23:11:42 [SEVERE] [Kingdoms] SQLException! Communications link failure
The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.
23:11:42 [SEVERE] [Kingdoms] MySQL connection failed
23:11:42 [SEVERE] [Kingdoms] Disabling plugin!!
23:11:42 [INFO] [Kingdoms] Kingdoms (alpha) v.0.1 by CameronKaye and ceulemans is disabled!
23:11:42 [INFO] [Kingdoms] ############################
23:11:42 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
23:11:42 [INFO] Done (0.420s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
Any ideas why the MySQL connection fails, The server is run on my pc to test it before it goes live, Most version numbers are in the text, If you need any other info shout.
The database in the config should already exists, the tables will automatically be created.
I am confused about MYSQL. Do we have to make one or does it automatically generate the tables and databases?
I first have to look in to towny advanced, probably not (easy).
If you could send me the source code zip file of this project that would be awesome
This looks a lot similar to Towny Advanced question now becomes, and it is a long shot, is there any hope of a conversion script or command that we may use if we want to move from Towny to this so that our existing towns under towny will not be lost.
Is there a source on github?
oh like that, not really our intended idea. You can always make a post on our 'requested features' forum. (We look at them for ideas an other people can comment on it)
yes, but what if inside the village, u dont want them to be able to edit the whole village?
If you don't promote people to something higher than a resident, they can only build inside there village.
MySQL is a database system, easiest way of installing it is by installing xampp (tutorial) You can always use google/wikipedia for more information!