This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Want a simple plugin that allows you to run a console command when your players kill another player? Well killstreaks allows all this.
Thi is a == GREAT == plugin. Some one please continue it if jonneystechcheck indeed stop it. No need to bash eachother. Lets fix this plugin or share it so multiple people can work on it. THats the great thing of "Colaborating" on code. Unfortunatly i lack serious skill in Java or i would have continued it myself.
I have marked this project as "This project is abandoned." any plugin dev can update if they wish and can contact me all the source code is on , if you are going to update this please give credit back to me, thanks
Yeah it seems the dev of this plugin may not be updating his plugins anymore. I have seen him/her log in more than 10 times with no responce to the issues. As of posting this the dev is online, though will ignore this post. I have now deleted this plugin. No need of having a plugin that doesnt work. 98% broken atm. All this plugin is capable of is spamming you for every kill u get.
Will we see a fix soon? :( :(
Are you just not checking on this plugin anymore? You were logged in less than an hour ago.. Come on.. this plugin is not working at all anymore. All it does is spam screen with what kill your at.
Wish I could confirm that, But, Sorry to say there's another issue now. It doesn't do anything configured in the config now. It shows that the player is getting the kills by announcing to them, however, the server say command is never run. I am using the same config that I had posted earlier its just now there's the autoupdate line at the bottom. I have tested a few different killstreaks and none of them activate. Also the auto updater is not up to date. It is telling me to get 1.7 when I have 1.7.5
Sorry about the bugs I'm finding. I have a terrible ability to make bugs surface in plugins.
Also, Could you give an option to turn off the spam bot. I run a zombies server, and the players kill mobs constantly, even in testing phase, they were not too happy with it telling them on every kill they got. I think those messages should be setup inside the killstreaks themselves with a server /msg command. This way we will be able to customize when it broadcasts and when it tells the player.
Problem is still there, It does not recreate the settings in the config, but, it still does the default commands and announces kill streaks. My first kill streak is set at 20 however it announces and gives the items at kill one, then announces every kill up to 6.
The plugin config seems to reset and not function 100%
I change the 6th kill streak to 10 but when i run the server it just creates at kill streak for 6 again above the one for 10
Also when i put the command for %give% it does not give the item
What am i doing wrong or is it a bug?
Great plugin! I added it to all my hunger game servers and my tributes love it! Please add them to your list. The hunger game servers are in my signature. Thank you.
Hi this plugin only runs the console command whatever plugin that you use to give items must not have potions included.You will have to bring the issuse up with the maker of that plugin.
This plugin doesnt have a ticket system so ill post my troubles with this plugin here. It seems
you cant have potions as a killstreak. Ive entered the id correctly everytime but it still doesnt work. I would love to use this plugin for my TDM and hungergames matches but I want it so my players get rewarded with potions that will help them fight, not just random loot.
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Ok i installed it and it works perfect on 1.3.1. i have 0 problems.
A new feature that would be nice is to split Mobs and PVP so you have 2 configs.
1 for PVP and 1 for MOB, can you add that? it allows different tiers.
e.g. PVP starts at 1 kill and go per 1
Mobs start at 10 kills and go per 10
Thi is a == GREAT == plugin. Some one please continue it if jonneystechcheck indeed stop it. No need to bash eachother. Lets fix this plugin or share it so multiple people can work on it. THats the great thing of "Colaborating" on code. Unfortunatly i lack serious skill in Java or i would have continued it myself.
Good to see you being so on top of your feedback like this. </sarcasm>
I really liked this plugin, so sad that it's dead.
I have marked this project as "This project is abandoned." any plugin dev can update if they wish and can contact me all the source code is on , if you are going to update this please give credit back to me, thanks
Yeah it seems the dev of this plugin may not be updating his plugins anymore. I have seen him/her log in more than 10 times with no responce to the issues. As of posting this the dev is online, though will ignore this post. I have now deleted this plugin. No need of having a plugin that doesnt work. 98% broken atm. All this plugin is capable of is spamming you for every kill u get.
Same thing here...i cant seem to paste the new config and reload it anymore cause it keeps resetting to just autoupdate. Blegh
Will we see a fix soon?
:( :(
Are you just not checking on this plugin anymore? You were logged in less than an hour ago.. Come on.. this plugin is not working at all anymore. All it does is spam screen with what kill your at.
This is truly getting anoying as well
Wish I could confirm that, But, Sorry to say there's another issue now. It doesn't do anything configured in the config now. It shows that the player is getting the kills by announcing to them, however, the server say command is never run. I am using the same config that I had posted earlier its just now there's the autoupdate line at the bottom. I have tested a few different killstreaks and none of them activate. Also the auto updater is not up to date. It is telling me to get 1.7 when I have 1.7.5
Sorry about the bugs I'm finding. I have a terrible ability to make bugs surface in plugins.
Also, Could you give an option to turn off the spam bot. I run a zombies server, and the players kill mobs constantly, even in testing phase, they were not too happy with it telling them on every kill they got. I think those messages should be setup inside the killstreaks themselves with a server /msg command. This way we will be able to customize when it broadcasts and when it tells the player.
Thanks for the heads up, I have fixed the issue and is now being uploaded, I'm so sorry about this it is now truly fixed for once and all.
@Jdon278 All I did was take the default numbers and changed them to higher ones.
Can you please send me your config file for me to have a look.
Problem is still there, It does not recreate the settings in the config, but, it still does the default commands and announces kill streaks. My first kill streak is set at 20 however it announces and gives the items at kill one, then announces every kill up to 6.
I have fixed the bug and will upload very soon.
The plugin config seems to reset and not function 100% I change the 6th kill streak to 10 but when i run the server it just creates at kill streak for 6 again above the one for 10 Also when i put the command for %give% it does not give the item What am i doing wrong or is it a bug?
Can you please tell me how this does not work and post any error logs. I have been busy with GCSE's.
Nevermind doesn't even work.
Great plugin! I added it to all my hunger game servers and my tributes love it! Please add them to your list. The hunger game servers are in my signature. Thank you.
Hi this plugin only runs the console command whatever plugin that you use to give items must not have potions included.You will have to bring the issuse up with the maker of that plugin.
Awesome plugin!
This plugin doesnt have a ticket system so ill post my troubles with this plugin here. It seems you cant have potions as a killstreak. Ive entered the id correctly everytime but it still doesnt work. I would love to use this plugin for my TDM and hungergames matches but I want it so my players get rewarded with potions that will help them fight, not just random loot. Thanks, Dandizzle29