
Get potion effects for kill streaks!
A kill streak is a continuous set of kills without dying. If you achieve X kills without dying (as defined in the configuration), you get a predefined potion effect.
Option | Defaut Value | Description |
KillStreak.updater-enabled | true | Whether to notify admins of updates |
KillStreak.update-available | Not defined | Whether an update is available (do not modify!) |
KillStreak.reset-on-disconnect | false | Whether to reset a player's killstreak on disconnect |
KillStreak.streaks.5 | See below | The killstreak a player needs to reach before they get the powerup |
KillStreak.streaks.5.potion | SPEED | The potion effect the player gets for achieving a killstreak of 5 (can be found here) |
KillStreak.streaks.5.level | 1 | The level of the potion to be applied |
KillStreak.messages.broadcast-on-powerup | true | Whether to broadcast when a player gets a powerup |
KillStreak.messages.message-tag | '&f[&aKillStreak&f] ' | The prefix for all KillStreak chat messages |
KillStreak.messages.killstreak-color | '&c' | The color of the streak shown in messages |
KillStreak.messages.username-color | '&e' | The color of the username shown in messages |
PlayerStreaks | Not defined | Where killstreaks are stored |
More chat colors can be found here.
Command | Parameters | Description | Permissions |
/killstreak [username] | [username] (optional) - The player's username to check. | Shows your, or someone else's current killstreak | No permissions needed |
/killstreak | reload | Reloads the configuration for KillStreak. | killstreak.reload |
Potion name | Max level |
REGEN | 2 |
SPEED | 2 |
POISON | 2 |

May the source be with you.
Can you have more than 1 potion effect per killstreak?
Please add custom time of each potion effect
Not that big of a deal, but will you also make it UUID compatible?
I can't confirm it, as I haven't tested it recently, however the MCStats reports that there are 83 servers using it with 1.7, so I'd assume so.
Does this work with latest 1.7+
Can you clarify what you mean exactly?
I really like this plugin, but I am not sure if you can add multiple kill streaks. I haven't downloaded it yet, because i think it would be a waste of a plugin with one kill streak. Someone please reply if I am wrong.
@Makemyday17 Can you please post your configuration on and either PM me, or comment the link. Thanks :)
Killstreaks are not being broadcasted properly. Only thing that is broadcasted is if someone just ruined someones killstreak.
But the killstreak themselves are not being broadcasted for some reason. The plugin is enabled and I have the broadcast killstreak on: true. Please help. Notice that I've changed and added some own killstreak messages, I believe there still shouldn't be an error with my own added messages.
Add permissions to whether players get killstreaks or not.
@Nosfeato I don't really understand. Can you explain the issue in more detail?
Yes : Players with the 1.5.2 and newer are facing a death glitch :/. When they are hit or under water they automaticaly die, potions dont always work either :/
Are there any issues with the current version on the latest bukkit release?
Hi! Is there a way to make them get money from killstreaks? Thanks.
@MineCrafterCity I've added it to the poll :)
Can you make it so we can also give items? :)
@TigerWorks You can download version 1.8 of this plugin, which now includes mob kill counts :)
@FPSUsername Sorry, I'm waiting for BukkitDev to approve the jar. It will be available soon!
Update links to 1.8!!