kEssentials is a very lightweight and easy to use server management plugin.
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kEssentials is currently a collaborative effort, the lead developers being me, and @fireblast709. kEssentials is a pretty lightweight plugin which currently is in development, and will be released as soon as we have enough time to finish it up. With what we have so far, you could easily manage a moderately-sized server with this plugin alone.
Installing the plugin itself is easy. Just drag the .jar file that you downloaded into your server's plugins folder, and do the same with any addons. Once it's installed, you can start up the server, and use all of the features as you would with any other plugin.
This is very out-dated.
I have no idea how to download it.
Here ;)
Where do I download it?
Where do download it?? D:
where is the download
Finally got a working sample of an addon loader. Somewhere in the near future you can load your own addons in an addons folder (something like '/plugins/kEssentials/addons'). Or even better: write your own as we finish the API
Yaay :)
Finally approved! :D
Let the testing begin!
Well I have uploaded v0.1a if you want to check it out, but the BukkitDev staff hasn't approved the file yet, although you can still download it by clicking the 'Files' button on the top, and then finding the version of kEssentials that I'm talking about.
Wow! i am IMPRESSED!
looking forward to it, do you have an idea of the eta of the plugin?