

Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.


This plugin is a fork of imjake9's SimpleJail plugin. It was made because our server needed a new Jail system to replace the defective one that was implemented in the past. While other jail systems were simple and lightweight, they were not nearly as featured as we were used to or wouldn't support our scope. For instance, at the time we had about 190 old entries of jailed players in a MySQL database and we wanted to transfer those over to whatever new system we woud use. Thus, KarmicJail was made, for Mine-RP.

  • Simple, single jail system.
  • Uses MySQL / SQLite database for storage.
  • Look up and page through current jail records.
  • Complete history of every jailed player.
    • Records each instance a player gets jailed, with all attached info, such as who jailed them, the reason, date, etc.
    • Can add custom comments to any player's record.
  • Optional permission group modification
  • Optional jailed player event / interaction denial
  • Persistent jail time. Players need to be online to actually serve their time in jail.
  • Quick alias to commands
  • Name auto-complete for online players.
  • Auto-correct name capitalization for online and offline players, so long as they have visited the server at least once.
    • Ex/ Try to jail player "HaXXoR", the following command would work: /j haxxor
  • Offline player support.
  • Optional inventory management of jailed players.
    • Clear the jailed player's inventory so that they don't have access to it in jail.
    • View and modify the inventory of a jailed player.
    • Return inventory (with modifications if any) to jailed player on release (or not :P).
  • Jail multiple people in one command.
  • Teleport to the last known location of any player to ever visit the server.
  • Warp players to the jail location without "jailing" them.
  • Custom jail event for other plugins.

This plugin depends on Vault.
Also requires SQLibrary for SQLite and MySQL.

Commands and Permissions


Custom events for plugin developers

  • ??? - Vote/comment and shape what the future update for the plugin should be.


This plugin supports Maven. Just add our repository:

  <name>Dakani Nexus Repo</name>

And add KarmicJail as a dependency:


Trello Dev board

Visit the Trello board to see the current todo list for all projects.
You can comment and vote on any of the topics there.
All changes on the Trello board are in real-time.

If this plugin has helped you, please consider donating.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 4, 2012
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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