
<small>This plugin was created based on a request on the Bukkit Forums.</small>


Record notes, experiences, and stories in your own private journal! Manage access with privacy settings - depending on how you use this plugin, you could be writing a diary or a blog. Either way, the process is quick and simple!


Simply download the version of Journals.jar that fits you from the menu on the right, and place it in your /plugins folder! The plugin will set itself up - no dependencies are required, and it works with most permission plugins. Please make sure, however, that you are running your server on a system with Java 8.

Note: Due to a bug in CraftBukkit's code that is (at the time of this update) unresolved, this plugin is incompatible with version 1.9.4. Other versions may work, but the safest option is to use version 1.10 and above to run this plugin.


The hub command for Journals is /journal, with aliases under /journals and /jrnls. Typing /journal into chat will list available commands.
Basic commands
These commands let users access Journals' basic functionalities. They require the journals.basic permission node for use. /journal edit - Gives users an editable copy of their Journal (in the form of a book and quill).
/journal list - Shows users a list of other public, viewable Journals.
/journal private - Makes the user's Journal private, hidden from other players.
/journal public - Makes the user's Journal public, readable by other players.
/journal remove - Clears the contents of the user's Journal. Users will be asked to confirm, so as to prevent accidental removals.
/journal view - Gives users a non-editable copy of their Journal for reading (in the form of a book).
Advanced Commands
These commands give access to more powerful aspects of the Journals plugin. They require the journals.admin permission node or operator status to use. /journal edit <username> - Allows access and editing of <username>'s Journal, whether or not it's public or private.
/journal private <username> - Makes <username>'s Journal private, regardless of original setting.
/journal public <username> - Makes <username>'s Journal public, regardless of original setting.
/journal remove <username> - Clears the contents of <username>'s Journal. Users will be asked to confirm.
/journal view <username> - Allows viewing of <username>'s Journal, whether or not it's public or private.


journals.basic - Allows an user access to Journals' basic commands (listed above). journals.admin - Allows an user access to Journals' more advanced and powerful commands (listed above). Also obtainable through operator status.

Example Usage

Here's a quick walkthrough, in case you're confused about the usage of the commands described above. 1. Load your journal.
Whether it's your first time or your millionth time using Journals, your journal will always be accessed through either /journal edit or /journal view. Let's say I want to edit my book in this case instead of merely reading it - I'll use /journal edit.

2. Write to your journal, or read it.
If you used /journal view, just read your book as you desire. I'm trying to edit my Journal, though, so I'll open up the book and quill I get and enter in my new thoughts, or delete some I don't want. After I'm done, I'll click the [Done] button in the bottom right corner.

That's it. It's really that simple - two steps! The plugin will also walk you through other aspects of usage.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Post a comment or use the ticket tracker! Thanks for using the plugin!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 8, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Jul 9, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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