JOPHWarn - The awesome way to warn users!
What it does?
JOPHWarn is a simple plugin that is used to warn players about griefing, stealing, swearing or anything and everything.
What features does it have?
- Warn players with /warn <playername> warning
- You can view the warnings of any player
- You can define how many warnings before a user is kicked
- You can define how many warnings before a user is banned
- You can clear all of a user's warnings using a command (see below)
- 6 custom command features
- All warnings show in the console and go in your server.log file
- Players with a perm node can be notified on warnings
- Adds timestamps to warnings
- If a user already has warnings, it asks if you want to infract instead
- /warn PLAYERNAME WARNING-TEXT-HERE -warns a user
- /warnings view PLAYERNAME - shows the users warnings and who warned them
- /warnings clear PLAYERNAME - clears all of the player's warnings
- /infract PLAYERNAME WARNING-TEXT-HERE -infracts a user
- /infractions view PLAYERNAME - shows the users infractions and who infracted them
- /infractions clear PLAYERNAME - clears all of the player's infractions
- /confirm - used when you warn a user and they already have warnings, when you're asked if you want to infract instead or warn
- /deny - used when you warn a user and they already have warnings, when you're asked if you want to infract instead or warn
Viewing and clearing a user's warns/infractions is case sensitive
- JOPHWarn.warn - Allows players to warn other users
- JOPHWarn.view - Allows players to view other users warnings
- JOPHWarn.warnings.clearall - Allows a player to clear all of a players warnings
- JOPHWarn.notify - Anyone with this permission will get notified when a player is warned
- JOPHWarn.infract - Allows players to give infractions to other users
- JOPHWarn.infractions.view - Allows players to view other users infractions
- JOPHWarn.infractions.clearall - Allows a player to clear all of a players infractions
################################################ # JOPHWarn Config # ################################################ #Notify all people with JOPHWarn.notify when a player is warned/infracted notifyadmins: true #Enable kick feature? enablekick: true #The maximum amount of infractions a players gets before they are kicked kickafter: 3 #kick message kickmessage: 'Slow down, you are gonna get banz0rd' #enable ban feature? enableban: true #ban after how many infractions? banafter: 10 #Ban message banmessage: 'You have reached the maximum allowed infractions' ################################################ # JOPHWarn Custom Commands # ################################################ #!!!!! %p will be replaced with the players name !!!!!# #!!!!! %w will be replaced with the warn reason !!!!!# # Custom commands are for infractions, not warnings #enable customcommand1? enablecustom1: false #execute custom command after: custom1infractions: 5 #custom command1 (use %p for player) custom1command: 'tempban %p 1d' #enable custom command2? enablecustom2: false #execute custom 2 after custom2infractions: 2 #custom2 command (use %p for player) custom2command: 'jail %p jailname' #enable custom command3? enablecustom3: false #execute custom custom 3 after? custom3infractions: 1337 #custom3 command (use %p for player) custom3command: 'deop %p' #enable custom command4? enablecustom4: false #execute custom 4 after custom4infractions: 1337 #custom4 command (use %p for player) custom4command: 'jail %p jailname2' #enable custom command5? enablecustom5: false #execute custom 5 after custom5infractions: 1337 #custom5 command (use %p for player) custom5command: 'jail %p jailname3' #enable custom command6? enablecustom6: false #execute custom 6 after custom6infractions: 1337 #custom6 command (use %p for player) custom6command: 'jail %p jailname4'
Hello, everyone. It's nice to see you all.Recently I found a good website rsgoldfast please don't miss it
Hey, sorry I don't work on my plugins anymore. Feel free to ask someone else though, the plugin is open source.
Hello Can You add warn offlineplayer use UUID Support ?!
Currently they have to be removed manually
Is there a option to remove the infractions after some time or do they need to be removed manually?
maybe soon
So this plugin can block swearing?
Can you make a "lang" file, so we gan edit the language and what it should say when a player gets a warning?
I also want a warning plugin where a person log in and it says how many warnings he/she have
I'll try and replicate this issue on my local server to try and locate the source.
Edit: Ok, I just tested and it appears the custom commands are not working. I'll get fixing right away
Edit 2:
To fix, just open your config.yml and replace the all the instances of the word "warns" to "infractions"
Could you please post your JOPHWarn config file
Hello, i set the max infractions limit to 5 in costum commands and when player reach all 5 inferactions he wont get tempbanned, well any help?
Update Coming soon!
There seems to be nothing happening with the updates of this plugin, so I might consider updating.
Drew1080 is going to start updating it again, you're welcome to update it yourself and modify it to your needs. You'll find the source on my github :)
I would continue it...I have wirtten a few (small) plugins for my server, so I have a bit of experience...
If you'd like to see JOPHWarn continued, speak to another dev. Here is the JOPHWarn source:
Is this Plugin really abandoned? Come on, there are not that many good plugins like this -.-
I'd say no.