About the Plugin
With this Plugin you can create custom Join Messages for different player groups. For Example if a player join the Server with the permission "JoinManagerPlus.User" the joinmessage can be "Welcome back PLAYER". And if a player join with the permission "JoinManagerPlus.Admin" the join message can be "&6Welcome back &cPLAYER".
- /joinmanagerplus help - List of Commands
- /joinmanagerplus groups - List of the Groups
- /joinmanagerplus reload - Reloads the plugin
You can use /jmp instead /joinmanagerplus
- JoinManagerPlus.Command.Reload - Needed for /jmp reload
- JoinManagerPlus.Command.Groups - Needed for /jmp groups
- JoinManagerPlus.GROUP - Needed for the specific join message
# Please insert your Groups Groups: - Admin - User - Guest
# config.yml | Messages + Permissions (not editable) # # Please delete this file after inserting groups into the groups.yml JoinManagerPlus: Admin: use: Join: true Quit: true message: Join: '&7&o[&a&o+&7&o] &r&7Welcome &6%player%.' Quit: '&7&o[&c&o-&7&o] &r&7Bye &6%player%.' info: Permission: JoinManagerPlus.Admin User: use: Join: true Quit: true message: Join: '&7&o[&a&o+&7&o] &r&7Welcome &6%player%.' Quit: '&7&o[&c&o-&7&o] &r&7Bye &6%player%.' info: Permission: JoinManagerPlus.User Guest: use: Join: true Quit: true message: Join: '&7&o[&a&o+&7&o] &r&7Welcome &6%player%.' Quit: '&7&o[&c&o-&7&o] &r&7Bye &6%player%.' info: Permission: JoinManagerPlus.Guest
It would've been nice if we could add multiple (random) messages for each player/rank (vault) group.
Also, does it support (Essentials) nicks/displaynames?
Thanks :-)
If it can be customized by the command is good! I was in Vietnam, I was running my game on a VPS server 2008 r2 win, the encryption is very difficult. If the author can help thanks much