Joe's Inventory Sort

What is it?

This is a plugin for Minecraft Bukkit servers. Once installed, chests are automatically organized when players open them. Tested and still works in 1.7.2.

How do I use it?

Drop in your plugins folder and your players will enjoy having their chests automatically organized.

How can I configure it?

Sorting is turned on for players by default. Players can toggle sorting by running /isort on or off.

More Information

Along with providing sorting, it avoids problems some similar plugins have such as head and enchanted book stacking. But also keeping things simple and easy to use (i.e. just drop in plugins folder and go).

The official version will be here on However, if you want the latest which may not be available here yet you can get it from

Latest version is stable (v1.0.5) and well tested on a popular server.


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