jCommands - UUID Ready
Stable build: v2.0.2
Dev build: v2.0.1b
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jCommands is developed by Jozeth and is a lightweight plugin which currently has more than 50 commands such as /day to /boom, you can manage a small server off of this plugin.
Once you've installed the .jar on to your server and started it, a 'players' folder will be created, ready for player configs.
Quote:This plugin utilizes an external version checking system, which means that the plugin makes a connection to curseforge.com and the following may occur:
- The plugins version checked against approved files
- Downloading of the plugin files
- Launching of the plugin files downloaded
You can disable the check and/or automated download via the configuration of this plugin.
Find the commands and permissions here!
Works with PermissionsEx and PermissionsBukkit or another permissions plugin which hooks into Bukkit's native permissions.
In jCommands there are two statistic trackers (MCStats.org). My stats tracker currently only picks up start ups (whenever you reload or start your server a counter goes up by one). These features can be disabled in the config.
- Added /time
- Added /getnames [player]
- Name changes are in each player's config
- Online staff (jcommands.moderators & jcommands.admins) are alerted when a player joins with a different name to last time
- /getnames works in the console
- Fixed typos and some permissions in the plugin.yml
- Changed command aliases from, "jc" to "jc_"
- Removed Warp features and added them to 'jCommands Warps' - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/jcommands-warps/
- Release of jCommands' first add-on, jCommands Warps
- Removed logging of commands
- Changed namespace
- Removed /savedata
Version 2.0.1
- Updated to CB 1.7.9-R0.2
- You can now import your warps from jWarp - This will overwrite any warps with the same name
- Added /importwarps
- Added /getuuid <player>
- /getuuid & /importwarps work in the console
Version 2.0.1b
- Updated to CB 1.7.9-R0.1 and can run on CB 1.7.9-R0.2
- Removed an unused class
- A player's name within their own config will change if that player changes their name
- Fixed a bug when converting a player's config when joining
- Fixed the 'IOException error' in v2.0.1a
- Fixed a bug in /ban
View more of the Change log
Update coming soon!
I have removed the link, I use to own the domain but decided to drop it months ago.
I have created a ticket for your problem but I am not releasing a new version until July/August time because I am extremely busy at the moment. Try turning off all trackers in the config (mcstats) and/or turn it off in the MCStats plugin folder.
- http:dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/jcommands/tickets/17-error-on-startup/
In the future please use the ticket system and please respond to it.
SCAM ALERT There is a link on this page that leads to a scam. Where it says "Source: here", it leads to a scammer page that will lock your browser (you need to kill the task) and ask you to call a number to help you remove (fake) viruses. Please fix
P.S. I'm also receiving this error on startup: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin jCommands v2.0.2 generated an exception while executing task 24 at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R2.scheduler.CraftAsyncTask.run(CraftAsyncTask.java:56) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.Server.getOnlinePlayers()[Lorg/bukkit/entity/Player; at com.jcommands.plugin.settings.MetricsLite.postPlugin(MetricsLite.java:281) at com.jcommands.plugin.settings.MetricsLite.access$200(MetricsLite.java:47) at com.jcommands.plugin.settings.MetricsLite$1.run(MetricsLite.java:169) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R2.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:53) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R2.scheduler.CraftAsyncTask.run(CraftAsyncTask.java:53) ... 3 more
A year later.
There hasn't been an update for a long time because it must still work fine. If there's anything that you've found or would like adding, please let me know.
If you get an error on start up, please disable: "Send stats".
Found a bug? Want something added?
Create a ticket here.
No, the whole point of the command is to clear your inventory because you want it cleared.
I... accidentally used /clear, thinking it might change the weather to clear... Is there an undo command for that?
Nice plugin!
jCommands v2.0.2 is out, download it here: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/jcommands/files/61-v2-0-1/
There's a new page that contains all the commands and permissions - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/jcommands/pages/commands-and-permissions/
jCommands v2.0.1 is out, download it here: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/jcommands/files/59-v2-0-1/
Should be able to.
you can also use minus perms
jCommands v2.0.1b is out, download it here: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/jcommands/files/58-v2-0-1b/
PLEASE NOTE: This build is an unstable version compared to other versions and should only be used if you are to report any bugs found, which in turn will help me get v2.0.1 out quicker.
Don't give them the permission node for /spawn & /home
Is there anyway to disable /spawn and /home for everyone and not just individually.
"Updated to be able to run on CB 1.7.9-R0.1 "
Does this work for bukkit 1.7.9?