
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

In game file explorer and editor

Have you ever been away from your hosting computer and wanted to edit config files of your minecraft server? No? Well I have, and it might happen to you to!


Command for:Command:What does it do:
Minecraft/explorerStart the explorer
Explorerdir [page]List files and directories in your current directory
Explorercd [directory]Go to another directory
Explorercd ..Go to the directory containing your current directory
Explorerviewfile [file]Open a file for reading only
Explorereditfile [file]Start editing a file
Explorermkdir [directory]Create a directory
ExplorerrmdirDelete a directory
ExplorermkfileCreate a file
ExplorerrmfileDelete a file
ExplorerexitExit the file explorer
File editorWASD keysMove the pointer around
File editorSneakBackspace
File editorJumpEnter
File editorChat messageType in the file
File editor\saveSave the changes you made
File editor\exitExit the editor (doesn't save automatically)

Permission nodes

Permission nodeWhat it allows you to do:
explorer.explorerUse the /explorer command
explorer.dirUse the dir command
explorer.cdUse the cd command
explorer.viewfileUse the viewfile command
explorer.editfileUse the editfile command
explorer.mkfileUse the mkfile command
explorer.rmfileUse the rmfile command
explorer.mkdirUse the mkdir command
explorer.rmdirUse the rmdir command
explorer.outsideUse commands outside the server directory
Group permissionCombines
explorer.viewexplorer.explorer + explorer.dir + explorer.cd + explorer.viewfile
explorer.editexplorer.explorer + explorer.dir + explorer.cd + explorer.viewfile + explorer.editfile
explorer.serverexplorer.explorer + explorer.dir + explorer.cd + explorer.viewfile + explorer.editfile
explorer.mkfile + explorer.rmfile + explorer.mkdir + explorer.rmdir
explorer.allexplorer.explorer + explorer.dir + explorer.cd + explorer.viewfile + explorer.editfile
explorer.mkfile + explorer.rmfile + explorer.mkdir + explorer.rmdir + explorer.outside

Some words of advice

- Only give explorer.edit or explorer.outside to people that you REALLY trust. Example: yourself
- Donate to my Paypal: [email protected]

Well, that's it I think!
I hope this plugin will make someone's life easier

- Jesbus


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