Jail-Worker 2.0.2


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  • Uploaded
    Feb 11, 2016
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    102.69 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8


[LOG 2.0.2]:

- [Fix] Issue on selecting jail spawn area
- [Permissions] You don't have to be the owner of the jail to send a player in

[LOG 2.0.1]:

- [Fix] Issue on en.yml language (single quote on sentence)

[LOG 2.0.0]:

- [Add] Recode JailSystem to optimize and prevent server crash
- [Add] Now you can use WorldEdit selection!
- [Add] /jw-manageowners <add/remove/list> <jail_name> <username1> [username2] [usernameX]
- [Add] GUI jail config with sign (userfriendly choose config in sign)
- [Add] Can choose language in config.yml
- [Add] Command gesture by console : Free, Give, Increase, Info, JailPlayer, List, OwnerManager, Reload, Restart, Start, Stop, WhiteCmd, delete, Clean

- [Permissions] Now you just can interact with you own jail(s)
- [Permissions] New node "jailworker.jw-admin" to interact with all jails

- [Fix] Change prisoner gamemode when send creative player in jail instead of display error
- [Fix] All text rewriten
- [Fix] You can remove some lines on language.yml if you don't want output for action
- [Fix] WhiteListedCmds are ordered
- [Fix] Remove duplicate on WhiteListedCmds
- [Fix] WhiteListedCmds accepte multiple commands to add and remove
- [Fix] Remove multiple whitespace on text in languages.yml

- [Remove] Boss node

[LOG 1.2.1]

- [Fix] Fix crash on servers, replace "runTaskTimerAsynchronously" by "runTaskTimer"
The plugin is now stable! I apologize for the problems incurred on your servers

[LOG 1.2.1]

- [Fix] Remove duplicate line on language.yml (info-listener-notowner)

[LOG 1.2.0]

- [Add] New lines on config file, you can config prisoners speak and ear, permission to allow all commands on jail : jailworker.jw-cmdsonjail
- [Fix] Somes text error

[LOG 1.1.0]

- [Add] Language gesture : language.yml
- [Add] French language (replace language.yml by fr.yml)
- [Fix] Bug sometime when break block on jail

[LOG 1.0.0]

- [Update] Update to CraftBukkit-1.5.1-R0.1
- [Fix] Console bugs when run commands
- [Fix] Some text errors
- [Fix] Removed log on console
- [Fix] Bug loop when jail is full of blocks
- [Fix] /jw-clean : bug without arg
- [Fix] /jw-player : bug with just three args
- [Fix] Conflict when two players create a prison at the same time

- [Add] /jw-free <player> [reason] : frees a player with optional reason
- [Add] /jw-goto <jail> : teleports you to the spawn area of the prison
- [Add] /jw-give <player> <item> Gives item tool to prisoner
- [Add] /jw-whitecmd <add/del/list> <command> : add a command to whitelist
- [Add] /jw-reload : reload all configuration files
- [Add] /jw-increase <player> <nbr> [reason] : increases the punishment of a prisoner of <nbr> blocks

- [Add] Multi-permissions gesture (jailworker.*, jailworker.modo)
- [Add] Special permission "jailworker.boss" (see below)
- [Add] Protect the spawn area
- [Add] Choice of type of block that appear (Sand, Dirt, Stone, Obsidian)
- [Add] Commands whitelist : allowed commands for prisoners (config.yml)
- [Add] Jails owners can redefine it simply by using /jw-setjail, /jw-setspawn and /jw-save <same_name> (you can give permission to redefine all jail with "jailworker.boss")
- [Add] Only the owner can delete prisons (or player with permission "jailworker.boss")
- [Add] Increase punishment if trying to escape!
- [Add] Prohibition to put blocks in prisons (unless you are the owner or have permission "jailworker.boss")
- [Add] When prisoner die, return to prison
- [Add] Clean code

- [Add] Updating config.yml and jail.yml with required lines for new version!

[LOG 0.9.1]

- [Fix] Plugin don't display "You have not permission"
- [Fix] Block prisoner-spawn don't disapear when delete jail
- [Fix] FATAL : File reset when reload server
- [Fix] Length jail protection is too small

[LOG 0.9]

- First upload