

RPG Style Item Banking/Storage

What does it actually do?

  • ItemBank allows you to turn any chest into an 'ItemBank'. This chest will be linked with other ItemBanks on the same network, giving players an account they can access at any other ItemBank on this network. Bank sizes can be customised and permissions configured to allow access to different networks.

How does it work?

When a player interacts with an ItemBank, the plugin retrieves the players account contents from file and uses them to create a > "Virtual Chest" for that player which only they can see. The player can then change the contents of the chest just by dragging and dropping like a normal chest, and > the contents will be saved when they close the chest window. To the player using an ItemBank is just like using any other chest except it is linked.


  • Place ItemBank.jar into your server's plugins folder
  • Start the server, stop the server, configure permissions.
  • The permissions nodes are:
  • itembank.* - Allows the use of all ItemBank commands
  • itembank.use - Allows players to use ItemBanks
  • itembank.admin- Allows players to add/remove ItemBanks
  • itembank.<network>- Allows players to use banks on the specified network
  • itembank.tiny- Grants the player a bank with 2 rows
  • itembank.small- Grants the player a bank with 3 rows, default setting
  • itembank.medium- Grants the player a bank with 4 rows
  • itembank.large- Grants the player a bank with 5 rows
  • itembank.huge- Grants the player a bank with 6 rows
  • Please note that when you change a players bank size, they must empty their bank and reopen it for the change to take effect


  • Place a chest
  • Look at the chest, and type /itembank add <network> (if you don't specify a network it will be set to default)
  • Give yourself the appropriate permission for your network using the node itembank.<network>
  • Done! To remove an ItemBank, just type /itembank remove


/itembank add <network>
Makes the target chest an ItemBank on the specified network
/itembank remove
Makes the target ItemBank a normal chest


  • The plugin is in a beta phase, item data is at your own risk
  • Includes mcstats. Learn more here

I want to suggest a new feature!

I'll be much more likely to respond and include your feature if you post a ticket on the github issue tracker.

I need help

Go to the forum tab, and create a new thread detailing the issue you are having. Use BukkitDev's paste feature to upload any error logs/configuration files.


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