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I have one server of feed the beast unleashed 1.1.5 [Minecraft 1.5.2], and i am trying to use your plugins, its a nice plugin and works good, but i have a donation world system, the donator buy a world and can use some itens on his world, and i now i am thinking move to your plugin but the permission dont work to me, i dont no if i am doing some bad so i need your suport.
[WorldName]: permissions: - ItemRestrict.bypass.ownership.1503 - ItemRestrict.bypass.ownership.1227 - ItemRestrict.bypass.ownership.1228 - ItemRestrict.bypass.ownership.1225 - ItemRestrict.bypass.ownership.1504 - ItemRestrict.bypass.usage.1503 - ItemRestrict.bypass.usage.1227 - ItemRestrict.bypass.usage.1228 - ItemRestrict.bypass.usage.1225 - ItemRestrict.bypass.usage.1504
Hi, can you please post or PM me your ItemRestrict config as well as your PEX config?
Note to self, you are using PEX.
Possible related issue.
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