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Hi, I'm creating this issue because maybe my problem will affect other people. I'm the owner of a cauldron server, I have some mods like the popular Flan's mod, and I also have ILS. I discovered that since I installed this plugin, Flan's guns don't do damage to the npc's (any npc, vanilla mine included). But I have another mod called custom npc's that includes guns, and this ones works perfectly, because it uses a different type of projectile. The flan's mod projectile is a kind of little block. Other mods use this type of projectile (like hbm mod), so this mods will not work too.
This plugin modifies the enviromental configuration of minecraft, I think that this is causing the problem. I tested disabling ILS and the flan's weapons did damage again, so ILS is causing the problem.
It would be nice to solve this problem as Flan's mod is a popular mod. Maybe there's a way to fix this with the config files, but I didn't found it.
My server is 1.7.10 version, and my ILS version is: Item Lore Stats v6.21
Ty, and sorry for the english grammar mistakes if there are
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