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ILS 7.71 /// Minecraft 1.11.2 (Spigot Server)
Im having a problem, which makes this feature nearly unuseable.
If I have more HP than 20 (300 for example), than I just randomly fall back to 20 HP from 300 HP (Thats often around 1 or 2 Hearts), often by only scrolling through the inventory, using items or anything like this, than I often regenerate full to 10 Hearts (but still stuck on 20 HP). So I have to do something random to get back to around 1 or 2 Hearts and than type in /heal. This is really irritating.
(Sorry for my english :b)
Having the same problem with ILS 7.71 and 1.12(Spigot) also using SkillAPI 3.103, not sure if it skallapi being there has anything to do with it but i do know when i remove ils the no longer happens so it is something to do with ils and i do have ProtocolLib 4.30 installed.
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