Big problem with health #303

  • Forge_User_92331066 created this issue Feb 3, 2018

    ILS 7.71 /// Minecraft 1.11.2 (Spigot Server)


    Im having a problem, which makes this feature nearly unuseable.


    If I have more HP than 20 (300 for example), than I just randomly fall back to 20 HP from 300 HP (Thats often around 1 or 2 Hearts), often by only scrolling through the inventory, using items or anything like this, than I often regenerate full to 10 Hearts (but still stuck on 20 HP). So I have to do something random to get back to around 1 or 2 Hearts and than type in /heal. This is really irritating.


    (Sorry for my english :b)

  • Meshka22 posted a comment May 15, 2018

    Having the same problem with ILS 7.71 and 1.12(Spigot) also using SkillAPI 3.103, not sure if it skallapi being there has anything to do with it but i do know when i remove ils the no longer happens so it is something to do with ils and i do have ProtocolLib 4.30 installed.

    Edited May 15, 2018

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