Some Ideas #26

  • Enhancment
  • Accepted
Assigned to supavitax
  • _ForgeUser8337675 created this issue Jan 26, 2014


    Upgrades: The ability to add in upgrade slots for weapons so that they can be upgraded with extra stats, without having to add in extra stats or replace old ones. This way, stat enhancements are easier to do to have different strengths and weaknesses to weapons and armor for players, and expands the game play into a whole new area. Example upgrade:

    Weapon Hardening: (Example Upgrade Name)

    +10 Damage +5% Crit -10 Durability

    Health Boost: (Another Upgrade Example)

    +20 HP -20 Durability

    Armor/Weapon-Only Upgrades: Upgrades made specific to armor or weapons, so that players can't just choose to add armor upgrades to weapons and vice versa.

    Item-Type-Only Upgrades: Upgrades made specific to an item type; leather, chainmail, wood, iron, gold, and diamond all have different upgrades for each weapon.

    Upgrade Stones: Items that can be created in a file to specify how they can upgrade a weapon, be it enchants or extra stats, and can have a mob drop chance, as well as what mobs are excluded from dropping it.

    Upgradable Magic!: Allowing for the spells to be upgraded to fire more at a time, shorten cooldown, or modify damage (if possible).


    Damage Balance: A % that a weapon is dependent on (default decided in config if balance lore not added, max 100%, after which may not have an effect) where a weapon hits the mid number of its min and max damage. (Maybe higher number instead of mid number) This makes it easier for the player to hit a more desirable amount, rather than getting low hits. Without this, rather than having random damage between two numbers, damage is more likely to strike at a lower number.

    PvE Dmg Modifier: A + or - VALUE that does the same thing as PvP Dmg Modifier but for PvE. That way, game play can be a little more balanced.

    Randomized Min/Max Damage (Custom Weapons): Custom weapons can be modified in the config to have a min and max damage be randomized between two numbers. (Optional to have, the user does not have to use this method to get the damage values they wish.) For example: Minimum Damage could be randomized in a spawn, be it a command or a mob drop, at 2-4, and Maximum Damage could be randomized the same way, and let's say it was 10-15 for that. This way, two people could have the same weapon, with the same upgrade availability, but one of them may have a better sword because it was "forged" better.

    Randomized Durability (Custom Weapons/Armor): Custom weapons and armor can be modified in the config to have a randomized durability. I might have missed if this was a thing, but in case its not, it's here.


    Smash: When added to a weapon, right clicking an enemy unleashes a powerful attack that deals a specified % in the lore. This cannot be used alongside spells.

    Defense: When added to a weapon, holding down right click lets you get into a defensive stance, slowing you down a specified amount in the config (or maybe the lore) and blocking a certain percentage of the enemy's attack. Recommended on a piston head to be used as a shield.

    Parry: Similar to defense, but it stuns the enemy for a little bit and shakes their screen a bit (obviously only effective on players), allowing you to strike.

    These are some of my ideas, and I hope you take them into consideration! ^ ^

  • _ForgeUser8337675 added the tags New Enhancment Jan 26, 2014
  • _ForgeUser8337675 posted a comment Jan 27, 2014

    Permanent Stats

    Health Upgrades: The ability to upgrade health through a command or maybe by using a looted/"unlocked" item for a permanent boost. (If the item is included, a max added HP for the item should be added as well.)


    Strength (For Armor): Boosts damage on weapons, as well as fists.


    Item Stat Boosts: Couldn't get a better name for this, but basically rather than just randomizing, there's the option for items to have a likelihood of spawning with better stats the further it is from spawn.

    I might not have played with this plugin as much so I don't know if some of these are similar to current settings in the plugin, but these would be helpful in the plugin in my opinion.

  • Supavitax posted a comment Feb 2, 2014

    Thanks for the suggestions.

  • Supavitax removed a tag New Feb 2, 2014
  • Supavitax added a tag Accepted Feb 2, 2014
  • _ForgeUser8337675 posted a comment Feb 2, 2014

    No prob.

  • Supavitax posted a comment Feb 8, 2014

    PvE Dmg Modifier has now been added.

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