Item Lore Stats v2.0 **BETA**
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UploadedFeb 4, 2014
Size142.22 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.2-R0.2
- CB 1.7.2-R0.1
- CB 1.6.4-R2.0
5 Minor bug fixes.
Small code cleanup
Huge optimisations to the stat checks greatly improving server performance (Comparison video here graphs on the latency difference can also be found here ILS v1.8 graph || ILS v2.0 graph).
New stat (Dodge) You can now add the Dodge stat to items. The value shown is the percentage chance of dodging an attack.
New config (combatMessages) This allows full control of all of the combat messages. This offers individual messages for the attacker and a message for the victim. Either can be enabled or disabled.
New config (*stat*RandomApply) This now offers even more unique items as there is a 50% chance that the stat will not be added to the item that drops.
New change (durability on naturally dropped items) enableDurabilityOnCrafted will now control whether items that drop naturally from mobs (e.g. iron sword, leather helmet or anything that is a tool or armour that is not specified in one of the mobs configs) will have durability automatically added to them. This settings is enabled/disabled with the "enableDurabilityOnCrafted" value.
New change (environmentalDamage) The values can now be set to 0 to disable Item Lore Stats from updating these values and will allow other plugins to alter the damage taken.
New change (baseHealth) The value can now be set to 0 to disable Item Lore Stats from updating these values and will allow other plugins to alter the health. Disabling this will also disable the Health stat.
New change (baseHealthRegen) The value can now be set to 0 to disable Item Lore Stats from updating these values and will allow other plugins to alter the health regen. Disabling this will also disable the Health Regen stat.
New language file (language-pl) Thanks to Artqs for Polish translation. Set "languageFile" in the config to "language-pl" to use the Polish translation for in-game messages.
Delete your language.yml and all of the mob files in /SavedMobs/ if updating from v1.8 or below, otherwise this WILL cause errors. Though it isn't always required I do recommend deleting your config.yml