Island World (SkyBlock replacement)
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IslandWorld is simple plugin which can replace old inactive project SkyBlock Co-Op. My plugin is highly customizable and configurable.
You can run classic version 'skyblock like', after simple change you can make islands on sea or even lava world.
- Step-by-step installation guide
- Installation video guides
- Default configuration with descriptions
- Region spacing explanation
- Commands list
- Permissions
- API for devs
- RTFM PAGE - Read it before you ask stupid questions
From version 7.0 additional features are offered through addons.
- Head Rank - Ranking using player heads and tables.
- Shop List - Public list of available on server shops.
- Challenges - Challenges to do for skyblock players.
This plugin has a built-in auto-updater, which connects to BukkitDev to check for updates. If you, for some reason, wish to disable this process, you can do so by setting 'version-check' to false in plugin configuration file.
There is enough info why plugin doesnt work correctly! **
I sent you MP, Please respond for help me
I sent you PM, can you respond ?
Teleport to other island is allowed for party members only when you use strict-party config.
How about source 4 this?
"User: I do /island tp <username> (im added) I get dat error below (1st image)"
I'm just wondering if this is supposed to happen? Users are wanting to teleport to another users island but are getting the 1st error image. I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to teleport to other islands when they have there own...?
Other than that the plugin is pretty awesome, good job :)
Fixed in 1.1.0 already. As always waitin for approval ;=/
Suggestion: Parties Home. Leader of party can create parties home, so everyone who is member of party can teleport to leaders set home. Commands - /island sethome, /island home, or something else, present party system only teleports when a player is online.
If you use same world make spawn point on negative coods. -100 should be enough. Because we start first island at 0,0 and add for next one +(island size) to coords.
Honestly, the best way I can think of would be, making sure no one can get on, switch to offline mode temporarily, and use the island for "Player" as spawn
Is there a way to define a spawn-island or something like that? So if the spawn is in the same world as the skyblock islands, the plugin won't override the spawn by placing a new island.
I am having issues where players end up with the island of other players!
its already added, just add permision for player, and he can make island.
Suggestion: Make better party, teleport and sethome if somone joins you, and /party invite, /party accept
Suggestion: Make it so that it is automatic. Admins don't need to create islands for users, users can create their own island (only use the command /island create once).
I'd love this plugin! This plugin have everything what i want!
You have right, today i found problem, mainly with permission nodes. If you use islandworld.* for default group they will have also VIP perms.
Right now im uploading 1.0.9 version.
For default group you need to set islandworld.island.*
and permissions for VIPs are renamed to :
1.0.9 here
As I said they are all in the correct folder Im just gonna do a reset anyway (Fresh install)
What about my suggestion? :(
Compass: make sure that you have correct files in correct folders. :) WorldEdit save schematic to own folder, IslandWorld need that files in own folder. Few days ago when i make support for schematic i have similar problem that ingame schematic was quite weird, but after hour maybe i realize that i copy files to WorldEdit folder not IslandWorld ;)
I did all that but it still gives me a random design (Not normal or my special design) And both the normal.schematic and special.schematic are in the correct folder