Island World (SkyBlock replacement)
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IslandWorld is simple plugin which can replace old inactive project SkyBlock Co-Op. My plugin is highly customizable and configurable.
You can run classic version 'skyblock like', after simple change you can make islands on sea or even lava world.
- Step-by-step installation guide
- Installation video guides
- Default configuration with descriptions
- Region spacing explanation
- Commands list
- Permissions
- API for devs
- RTFM PAGE - Read it before you ask stupid questions
From version 7.0 additional features are offered through addons.
- Head Rank - Ranking using player heads and tables.
- Shop List - Public list of available on server shops.
- Challenges - Challenges to do for skyblock players.
This plugin has a built-in auto-updater, which connects to BukkitDev to check for updates. If you, for some reason, wish to disable this process, you can do so by setting 'version-check' to false in plugin configuration file.
There is enough info why plugin doesnt work correctly! **
06.09 20:10:30 [Server] WARNING [IslandWorld] Error: plugins/IslandWorld/compChallenges (No such file or directory)
Challenges.xml is working in the main directory however
Also, challenges say 0/0
On reload of the plugin, the challenges reset and people can get the rewards again
perms wont work i use group manager,
member_plus: default: false permissions: - essentials.sethome.multiple - chairs.sit - essentials.bal - - alphachest.chest - alphachest.workbench - - essentials.home - essentials.msg - essentials.rules - essentials.sethome - essentials.spawn - falsebook.blocks.* - falsebook.blocks.lift - falsebook.blocks.lift.use - - guestguard.drop - guestguard.pickup - mbr.collect - linksonsigns.use - craftbook.mech.gate.use - craftbook.mech.gate - craftbook.mech.elevator.use - craftbook.mech.elevator - - mchat.afk -* - islandworld.* - islandworld.challenges.* inheritance: - g:essentials_builder - g:towny_moderator info: prefix: '&3member_plus &3' build: true suffix: ''
what am i doing wrong ??
What's the Permission Node for Challenges?
Someone in our community posted a list of challenges if anybody wants to use them:
Set the layer to water in the config?
That is a problem from the bukkit 1.3.2 version. I just set the layer to water, that solved the problem for now...
So, I've been using this for a while, and now, layer of wood, Ore, bedrock, sponges, and other things on the bottom. they dont appear to drop anything, but it's kinda annoying
Thanks, will check it out.
There is already such config option.
In 1.4 problem is resolved i think.
Ok, thank you. I'll look around, it could be another plugin conflict.
This is a great mod! Thanks a ton for making it :) One thing, could you add support with multiverse nether portals? Like when a player goes into the nether it could be configured to have their own nether island? Or is that impossible to code.
Also, there is a way for players to cheat and get many items. They can create an island, take all the dirt and sand and items from the chest, and go to spawn and give the items to someone. Then they can clear or delete their island, and repeat. I've seen players with like 15 buckets. Could you add a configurable time before a player can make a new island? Or make it so that you can only clear your island three times in a certain time? Or something like that
I wasn't editing it while the server was running, I edited it before the server started and when it did start it said it was generating new plots, then the server spit "read time out" into console about 20 times over the course of 3 hours and the server never finished loading past that. So I terminated the server process and reset the value back to 100.
It was just a suggestion to let it not lock up the machine. I know its not my machine, because I have a liquid cooled 8 core processor with 16gb of ram. I can transcode hd movies in 15 mins so I know its something in the script that is causing it to hang (could be something you did or just a restriction in bukkit). I think it may be that bukkit isnt letting any other plugins load until yours finishes, but yours never seems to finish what its doing.
@Rorro11 All challenges are in xml file. Format is quite simple, and you can add own challenges. You can setup required item with count and reward item, so player need some item to finish challenge, and can get other item when he finish it as a reward. You can also decide if required item shuld be taken from player or stay (just check if player have it)
@smeths Yes, it works with 1.3.1
Thats great, I love how you dont make things like other cheap apps :P That went over my expectations :) But one thing, are the challanges changeable? Like for instance, gather 20 cobblestone can be changed to gather 100 cobble stone? And also, Can we add challanges of on our own in the config or does it have to be hard coded in the plugin? I havent tried this version yet, i will try it when im home.
EDIT: i tried this and i didnt get the challange to work, collected 20 cobble but got no reward and when i typed /challanges nothing showed up
can you please put a 1.3.1 r2.0 ersion up please
edit:does this work with 1.3.1 recomended build already
What file do you add new challenges to?
1.1.4 is out.
I add some basic system for challenges. I want to do it little bit different than in other plugins where usually is just list and nothing more.
In IslandWorld players will be able to finish challenges and get rewards. For now there is only one challange defined 'gather 20 cobblestone' because is hard to check when player build generator. So mainly all challenges will be 'craft xxx', 'gather xxx of xxx' and similar. But i think with rewards will be more fun for players.
Also new challenges can be added into file without any problems.
Is it possible to move islands?
False alarm, i managed to make everything work, islands are in the spawn world and spawn is changed and everything is working. In the future i will make a tutorial on these things for this plugin.
Do not change that value while server is running. Its designed to generate it one time on first server start.
It looks like world guard doesnt save regions into file. I already pm to WG author how to solve it. For now you should set in config wg-save to true and some autosave.
No idea. Plugin doesnt block it. I'm using it on my server and it works corectly. Just sometimes you got 4-5 saplings from one tree, sometimes you got nothing.
Yea it is only done on server start or if you change the config. When I change it, it lags the server on restart until it finishes which it never actually does if it is a decimal place past 100 eg. 1000+. I also second the ideas of having a list of challenges and having a fix all regions command, as I seem to get the region errors often.