Island World v7.5


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    Aug 12, 2017
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.12
  • 1.11
  • 1.10
  • 1.9
  • 1.8.1
  • 1.8
  • CB 1.7.9-R0.2
  • CB 1.7.9-R0.1
  • 1.8.3
  • CB 1.7.2-R0.3
  • CB 1.7.2-R0.2
  • CB 1.7.2-R0.1
  • 1.7.4
  • CB 1.6.4-R2.0
  • 1.7.2


** 7.5 **
* Added island-y-move config option
* Added config option purge-points
* Added creation percentage counter
* Fixed problem with couting layers while island is deleted

** 7.4 **
* Fixed problem with onArrowHit on 1.7
* Fixed problem with Fishing Rod and frames
* Added cofing option chat-prefix-without-island
* Added support for MVdWPlaceholderAPI - iw_points, iw_level, iw_position, iw_points_help, iw_level_help, iw_position_help
* Added useSSL node to mysql configuration.
* Fixed getLevel() calculation

** 7.3 **
* 1.12 support
* Fixed problem with bow enchanted with fire enchant
* Fixed problem with pointinfo Gui

** 7.2 **
* Added config flags.shear
* Added missing messages when taking command fee
* Fixed problem with extend command
* Fixed problems with calc command

** 7.1 **
* Fixed problem with pointinfo
* Added /islandev toggledebug command
* Fixed support for patway from schematics
* Fixed problem with lava/water bucket on island border
* Fixed Chorus plant growing outside island
* Added command /islandev setallrs
* Fixed problem with recognizing respawn-on-island config value
* Fixed /islandev tp command when island is still created and have no home set
* Added schematic-move config node
* Added use-awe config. You can disable AWE usage if its installed

** 7.0 **
* Added event : IslandOpenEvent
* Added event : IslandCloseEvent
* Added event : IslandRankReloadEvent
* Added config option fixhome-limit
* Changed home/party limits to support more groups. CONFIG NODES ARE CHANGED !
* Fixed alias /isd
* Added command /island pointinfo
* Fixed StructureGrowEvent - trees will no longer grow outside cuboid
* Updated AWE support for latest AWE version
* Added skip-create-check config

** 6.9 **
* Added fast-kill config option
* Fixed lil problem with /is fly
* Added config option spawn-flying
* /islandev add will check now for STRICT_PARTY config
* Moved support for challenges to separate plugin

** 6.8 **
* Fixed problem with home limit options
* Added command /is delhome all - remove all home locations
* Fixed frost walker working outside island
* Renamed chat-prefix config to party-prefix
* Added island level and level-divider config
* Added chat-prefix config
* Now /is rank will show player position

** 6.7 **
* Added custom welcome message - /is welcome command
* Added custom events:
** IslandCreateEvent - when player creates island
** IslandCreateFinishEvent - when island is pasted (if you have large schematic and it takes time)
** IslandPlayerDeleteEvent - when player delete own island
** IslandDeleteEvent - when island is deleted (by purge, admin, or player)
** IslandPointChange - when island points are updated

** 6.6 **
* Fixed /is unlock code
* Added command /is unlock all - to clear blocked player list
* Updated AWE code to latest plugin version
* Fixed some problems with changeowner command
* Separated clear inventory and clear enderchest configs
* On owner change old owner will have points removed

** 6.5 **
* Island visit requests will be blocked if island is locked
* Compiled for 1.9

** 6.4 **
* Since island creation can take time with big schematic now /is command will be blocked until creation is finished.
* Added AWE grouop definition into config, you can change some settings like render etc.
* Added check for installed Dynmap if support is enabled in config.
* Added command /islandev removeblock <playerName> <blockId> use numeric id like 5 or with data 5:1
* Aded listeners for pistons, blocks will be no longer moved outside island.

** 6.3 **
* Fixed problem with changeowner command
* Optimized SignRemover code
* Points calculation moved to task
* Fixed problem with protection/chestshop signs not removed when placed on ground
* Added config remove-lockette to remove signs
* Added config owner-change-allowed and command /is changeowner <newName>
* Tweaked AsyncWorldEdit code

** 6.2 **
* Fixed lil problem with chat prefix config
* Added on-create and on-delete lists, you can run any command now
* Removed sethome config
* Moved sethome config into on-create, on-delete lists.
* Changed layer-delete-delay config to delete-delay
* Added config option delete-step
* Change island rebuild/delete code
* Added support for AsyncWorldEdit
* Added command /islandev calcdebug <playername>
* Fixed problem with /islandev changeowner
* Fixed problem with possible duplicates on freelist

** 6.1 **
* Fixing economy (vault) support
* Added config option flags.use-villager
* Changed /islandev tp command, now you can provide also home name on player island.
* Now you can check homes on player island with /islandev tp list command.
* Added command /islandev signsremove owner toremove - it will remove chestshop and protection signs

** 6.0 **
* Added skip-tp-home-check config
* Added skip-tp-visit-check config
* Added spawn-from-nether config option
* Added remove-chest-shops config option
* Added eco-reset config option
* Added node islandworld.bypass.flycheck to prevent fly checks on teleport/move

** 5.9 **
* Added <globalecoreward count='1' /> into challenges.xml possible nodes
* Structures like trees and mushrooms will not spread outside island
* Improved speed in some operations

** 5.8 **
* Disable flying only in survival mode
* If player logout while flying teleport to spawn if under feet have air
* Added command /islandev rankreload
* Changed command /islandev rank to display rank
* Added command /islandev purgebyrank <points> - you can remove islands with less points than param
* Added command /islandev ranktruncate - remove whole rank from database

** 5.7 **
* Disable flying on player logout
* Now latest version of IslandWorld should work also with older versions of spigot/bukkit
* Added flag egg-throw - you can decide if visitors will be able to throw eggs on islands
* Added flag kill-golems - you can now decide if visitrs can kill golems
* Autosave will now use async task

** 5.6 **
* Added command /islandev removepoints <playerName> - remove player points from db.
* Changed WorldEdit support code, add some messages and warns.
* Added config use-switches - players will be able to use buttons, levers, pressure plates
* On leaving island while flying player will be not teleported to spawn, but informed that
flying outside island is not allowed
* Fixed problem with permission while using per-biome config.

** 5.5 **
* Fixed homes location import on conversion V6->SimpleIsland.dat
* Mysql table name is now configurable
* Added Armor Stand listeners

** 5.4 **
* Fixed problem with helper-allowed config options
* Fixed problem with making backups
* Added permission islandworld.bypass.expell - players with that perm cannot be expelled
* Fixed problem with lock <name> - Now player will be teleported into spawn only if he is inside island
* Added command /islandev makebackup - saves .dat file in backup folder
* Gravity Updater updated to version 2.3
* Added config holo-spawns - spawn in island will be marked with hologram.
You can decide about text and item in hologram from config options
Requires ( plugin

** 5.3 **
* Fixed little problem with extend command, that extend reset while region-spacing was 0
* Added config option island-flying - you can enable flying inside islands, when player go
outside island flying is disabled.
* Added command /island fly - enables flying

** 5.2 **
* Removed WorldEdit depends. Now you can use worldedit if you want or need it
without worldedit default simple island is created
If worldedit is not present default island is used and items from config
If worldedit is present will be used for pasting schematics
* Added command /islandev chaclear - clear all players completed challenges
* Added command /islandev chadel <player> - clear player's completed challenges
* Added UUID support
* use-config-items will be enabled by default

** 5.1 **
* Fixed problem with delete respond
* Print additional info about problem if plugin not start correctly to player who use command
since lots of noobs are too dumb to check console errors.
* Added flag death-item-drop - visitors will not drop items on ground on death

** 5.0 **
* Fixed little problem with region spacing
* Changed some errors to warnings only
* Added command /islandev changeowner <currentOwner> <newOwner>

** 4.9 **
* Fixed problem with liquids, now they can't spread outside island
* Added config create-limit - you can limit how much islands player can create
* Added command /islandev clearcreatelimit <player> - clear player limit
* Added list in config for all available schematics (if you want to have more than one)
put your schematics on that list and make sure that your players,
or group of players have permission - islandworld.create.<name>
by default list constains only normal schematic.
* Added ability to extend islands using /island extend command
you need to set high region spacing eg. 30 and region-step higher than 0
on every extend command region spacing will be lowered by step config
* Added command /islandev extend <player> for dev

** 4.8 **
* Fixed problem when player inside own island cuboid can build & break blocks from region-spacing
* Added command /islandev rebuildpathway <player> - building pathway on player island (using configs)
* Added command /islandev clearspacing <player> - removing all blocks from spacing between islands.

** 4.7 **
* Added per-biome-cost config option
* You can disable mysql support by setting mysql host to "disabled", plugin will not try connect
* Added helper-allowed config. Now you can decide what commands will be allowed for helpers.
* Fixhome command will correctly use region-spacing

** 4.6 **
* Fixed problem with default biome - was not applied when island was created
* Fixed problem with repetable challenges with challenges-order enabled
* Fixed NPE problem at deleteIsle() with TileEntityBarrel
* Added warning if region spacing is higher than 1/4 of island size.
* Biomeset command will be allowed outside island.
* Remove mysql error messages when are not needed

** 4.5 **
* Store/restore facing on setspawn and spawn commands
* Add option to make spawn on island using sign on floor and decide about player facing (first line must be SPAWN word)
* Added command /islandev visitblock <player>
* Added command /islandev visitallow <player>
* Added ability to eco reward for challenges, define reward count inside challenge : <ecoreward count='100' />
Economy must be enabled in config, and vault must be installed!

** 4.4 **
* Added command /islandev purgeprotect <player> - purge command and autopurge will not delete protected island.
* Added command /islandev purgebreak - will stop active purge process
* Players will be expelled if owner use /is lock
* Player will be expelled if is online and owner blocks him using /is lock <playername>
* Fixed config problems with lock command
* Fixed horse saddles
* Expell, remove, leave commands will not use region spacing

** 4.3 **
* Changed protection events a little
* Added debug messages
* Added dynmap debug messages

** 4.2 **
* Respawn configs will work only if player is respawned in world-isle.
* Added command /islandev createspawn - it will create safe platform at -100 -100 coords in world-isle
* English language file updated, thanks to ZachBail - please delete your messages_en.yml, plugin will write new one!

** 4.1 **
* Fixed problem with monster eggs used on visits
* Armor will be removed also when inventory is cleared.
* Rank will be removed if player delete island
* /islandev create command now can accept position of island eg. 2x2
* Fixed problem in english file with command list (please delete messages_en.yml, plugin will write new one)
* Changed dynmap-support config into dynmap.enabled
* Added config dynmap.debug
* Added support for multiple rewards and multiple required items in challenges (please delete challenges.xml)

** 4.0 **
* Added DynMap support
* Added missing commmands to usage print
* Added missing localization messages
* Unhardcoded colors from messages, moves into translation file

** 3.9 **
* Changed rank storage a little to keep correct player case,
- Truncate mysql table
- player must login and recalc points at least one to fix it
* CleanInv will delete items _after_ teleport to islandworld
* Changed a little move listener
* Added support for &x color codes
* Added API support and some basic methods

** 3.8 **
* Fixed problem with /is spawn teleport when teleport-delay is enabled
* Island will be marked as free when all layers are removed, not earlier
* /islandev tp <nick> will also check party from now
* added command /island lock <nick> - you can block only some players
* added command /island unlock <nick>

** 3.7 **
* Added command /is visit block - you can block incoming visit requests
* Added command /is visit allow - allow visit requests back
* Removed old-version config, plugin will now check what version of bukkit is used
* Little changes in island delete, now will be scheduled, and removed using layers

** 3.6 **
* Added clean-ender-chest config (can prevent gathering resources)
* After island leave player will be teleported to spawn
* On player leave/remove all his protection signs will be removed
* Added /is open and /is close commands. Player can visit opened islands without acceptance.
* If island is opened in offline mode, players can visit island also when owner is offline.
* Block correctly horse inventory on islands for visitors
* Changed schematic managers to detect used version of WorldEdit

** 3.5 **
* Added ability to disable biome change to default by setting 'none' as default biome.
* Added command /islandev add <owner> <player> - add player to owner island
* Added command /islandev remove <player> - remove player from island

** 3.4 **
* Added dev command sendhome - sends player to his island
* Added dev command sendallhome - send all players from island to island
* Added config use-config-items - you can fill chest with items from config, ignoring schematics
* useful option when you cannot find WorldEdit for your server build, or is not released yet

** 3.3 **
* remove duplicated help players only when strict-party is active

** 3.2 **
* Some commands (like visit) will check target visibility right now
* Party requests must be accepted from now

** 3.1 **
* added flag item-drop into config. you can block item drop on other islands
* fixed problem with teleports when usign delay without movement-break config.
* teleport all players outside island on delete
* removed 'repeatable' config for challenges, now its defined inside xml for every challenge.

** 3.0 **
* added flag chest-acces into config
* fixed problem with chest acces with allowed item in hand
* Fixed problem with double chest

** 2.9 **
* fixed problem with folder/file permission check on first run
* sethome will now verify saved point

** 2.8 **
* respawn-on-island can now be set to 'skip'

** 2.7 **
* lock and ulock got permission tree islandworld.island (!!)
* Added respawn-on-island
* On home command spawn will be checked to aviod player death
* Fixed problem with yaw and pitch on teleports

** 2.6 **
* Added command /is biomechunkset - players can change biome only in current chunk.
* Implementing backup system

** 2.5 **
* Fixed is visit to be not able to teleport to own island.
* Fixed itemframes on 1.7 bukkit
* Removed loadafter from plugin.yml

** 2.4 **
* Fixed problem with biome refresh after change.
* Fixed missing information that biome was changed
* Fixed little problem with taking fee for biomechange
* Renamed blocked/allowed/ignored lists to avoid problems with defaults.

** 2.3 **
* Added config ignore - you can setup block which will stay on island rebuild
* Added support for Vault, you can setup cost of any command
* Fixed problem with required items check in challenges
* Fixed problems with allowed/blocked list. Now params must be STRINGS !

** 2.2 **
* Removed metrics
* Purge will write deleted islands into log
* Added compability with older versions (set old-version to true in config)

** 2.1 **
* Fixed bug with stats saving into db
* Fixed bug when nickname for remove command must have correct case.
* Fixed falling check while on slab
* Added island-debug config option. All island operations will be logged.

** 2.0 **
* Compiled for bukkit 1.6.4

** 1.9 **
* Fixed problem with region-spacing
* Changed enter/leave info behaviour
* Fixed problem with dev command permissions
* protect commands and configs will be renamed to lock to avoid misunderstandings
* Added config 'repeatable' for challenges

** 1.8 **
* Added /island biomelist command
* Added /island biomeshow command
* Added /island biomeset <biome> command
* Added per-biome-perms config
* Added auto-purge config
* Updated McStats to rev7

** 1.7 **
* Version number format change
* Added version-check config option

** 1.6.5 **
* Island members now will be able to use calc command
* For islandev calc command it will calc island if player is helping
* If schematic doesnt have spawn block we will try to find some point at island creation
* Removed World Guard dependency

** 1.6.4 **
* Added back islandev protect and unprotect commands
* Fixed problem with more than one bucket on obsidian2lava change
* Added obsidian-limit config, now you can turn it off, was enabled always

** 1.6.3 **
* Added config calc-on-enter
* Removed count-delay config - its no longer used
* Added reload-time config
* Fixed problem that obsidian-to-lava change was denied for members
* Fixed problem with free list generation

** 1.6.2 **
* Added pathway config options, leave width 0 to disable that option
* Fixed problem with region-spacing config
* If pathway.schematic will exists - it will be used, if not path will be build from config params

** 1.6.1 **
* Added default-biome config, it will set default biome for new islands
* Added mysql configs - if used points for islands will be stored in mysql base
* Added calc-limit config
* Added command /island calc - player can recalcuate points for island
* Added command /island rank - rank
* Added command /islandev calc <player> - calculate points for player
* Added command /islandev rank - it will reload rank
* Removed /islandev count command

** 1.6.0 **
* Added islandev commands : biomeshow, biomelist, biomeset
* Aded islandev count command - it will set points for island based on blocks inside cuboid
* Count will write file points.txt in format <player>:<points> you can use it to display ranks etc.
* Added configs count-delay and material-points

** 1.5.9 **
* Expell will not longer work on OP characters
* Visit invitation will check if player is visible
* Check allowedlist twice. For clicked block and for item in hand
* Little changes in vehicle events

** 1.5.8 **
* Permission islandworld.bypass.protect will allow entering to protected island
* Permission islandworld.bypass.island will allow to make things on any island
* Permission islandworld.bypass.damage will allow to kill mobs/animals/pvp on any island
* Fixed class cast exception inside onProjectileLaunchEvent()
* Fixed portal usage by island members
* Fixed not needed information about special schematic on island create
* Added config flags.use-vehicle

** 1.5.7 **
* Removed all configs use-*
* Added config allowed where you can put allowed block IDs
* Fixed villager killing, now they will use kill-animals flag

** 1.5.6 **
* Added config use-fencegate
* Added config use-door
* Now item frames will be correctly protected, rotation also.
* Fixed protected islands, now OPs will be allowed to enter
* set-home config will also use sethome command on island delete, home will be set to spawn point.
* Fixed problem with kill configs
* On block build/break block location should be used, not player position, fixed

** 1.5.5 **
* Added negative-build config option
* Changed island check - now players can't store home outside island
* Fixed message about entering island onTeleport to other than skyblock worlds
* Fixed problem with inventory update on completed challenges
* Changed sethome commands - now only island owners can use it

** 1.5.4 **
* Added config sections flags, we will put there configs about island
* Added use-portal, use-bed, item-pickup flags
* Changed chests-allowed config to flags.use-chest
* Changed monsterkill-allowed config to flags.kill-monster
* Changed pvp-allowed config to flags.pvp
* Added flags.move-info flag. It will display welcome message when player enter island.
* Added config island-protection and commands /is protect /is unprotect (perms
* Fixed command /is leave, now player will be correctly removed
* Fixed fishing rod damage vs pvp settings

** 1.5.3 **
* Added command delhome
* Changed command home/sethome now it will allow to store few locations
* Fixed problems with pvp/monsterkill/snowballs/arrows
* Expell all players from island on island delete
* Fixed problem with first row/col of island and not protected areas under 0x0 coords.
* Now island world will not protect area under -10 x -10 (!)
* Fixed expell commands, now it will check if player is on island.

** 1.5.2 **
* Islandev info without parameter will show island on current position
* Now you can expell specific player : island expell [playerName]
* Added config monsterkill-allowed
* Added config chests-allowed
* Fixed bows & snowballs on islands if pvp is disabled
* Fixed protection with strict-party disabled
* Fixed protection on negative coords lower than 0x0 in islandworld - by default is 'allow' and will not override wg regions/protections

** 1.5.1 **
* is spawn will also check falling-block-tp config option
* all developer commands can be run from console now
* little misc changes and fixes

** 1.5.0 **
* World Guard will be no longer used to protect regions. Since it cause huge lags when you have lots of regions
(for example i have 6 sec lag on saving 10k regions to file)
i decide to make own simple protection instead of use World Guard.
* Added permission islandworld.bypass.tpdelay - player will not have teleport delay if its set
* Added permission - player will bypass all island protections
* Added pvp-allowed config
* Added item-protection config - Players with permission can make sign
line 1: [protect], line 2 : nick to protect item (chest, door, dispenser, furnace) under that sign

**1.4.2 **
* Added spawn-on-quit config option
* Added teleport-delay config option
* Added movement-break-tp config option
* Added more things to check if teleport point is safe on visit

**1.4.1 **
* Added remove-mob-on-tp config
* Changed purge mode. Now it will build list to purge and then use task to delete islands
one after one, using purge-delay config.

**Warning! Some permission nodes are changed !**

**1.4.0 **
* Fixed falling-block-tp - now it will check correct (current) world
* Fixed damage field in challenges
* Added snail-mode into config
* Added /islandev setspawn command
* Added party-limit-vip config. For players with permission
* Changed islandworld.protect to
* Changed islandworld.unprotect to
* Changed islandworld.special to

**1.3.9 **
* Added purge-check-members config
* Added falling-block-tp config
* Added islandev stats command
* Added param howmuch to purge command
* Purge command will show last login time on island delete for OP

**1.3.8 **
* /islandev info without params will show info about region where you standing.
* Added clean-inventory-leave config. It will delete inventory on /island leave command
* Fixed NoSuchElementException sometimes on helplist
* /is visit will now check block if its safe to teleport
* autosave will not work if there is regen in progress

**1.3.7 **
* Fixed bugs reported by players
* challenge complete command will be allowed only in island world
* IF you are using bukkit 1.4.5 version you need to update WorldEdit/WorldGuard also !

**1.3.6 **
* Strict party fix
* Fix for reward per challenge
* Help list generation error fix

**1.3.5 **
* On server startup config will be updated (new options will be added if any)
* Added obsidian-break config option
* Removed command clear. Players can use delete-create instead.
* Added confirmation to delete command
* Updated Polish translation to latest version of plugin
* Time limit fix

**1.3.4 **
* Little changes in schematics to fix height problems, please update from archive.
* Added /islandev create <schematic> <playername> - admin can make island for player using given schematic

**1.3.3 **
* Changed schematic paste method
* Added alias /is /island
* Added alias /cha /challenge
* Added alias /isd /islandev

**1.3.2 **
* Changed purge command code a little
* Added config option challenges-order - players need finish challenges in order
* Changes in helping cache code
* Added /island visit <playerName> command - ability to visit someone island without party. It needs to be accepted via /island accept command

**1.3.1 **
* Added some missing translations

**1.3.0 **
* Removed block-protection config option - you can auto protect island using wg flags
* Added /island protect and unprotect command for players
* Added protect-mode into config.
* Added some basic localization.

**1.2.9 **
* Added island fixhome command it will try to find safe spot on island
* Added admin command islandev fixhome playerName
* Changed free list regen, now it will work in snail mode not linear
* Fixed bug in dat file saving if plugin was not loaded

**1.2.8 **
* Added some new challenges
* Added clean-inventory-exit config option.
* Changed block protection code a little to fix some errors
* Changed block-protection to string. Now you can decide if blocks should be protected for owner or owner+members.
* YOU NEED TO CHANGE block-protection in CONFIG !

**1.2.7 **
* Added /island spawn command - it will teleport player to spawn world spawn point.
* Added support for written books in chests

**1.2.6 **
* Added check inside sethome command. Now player can change location only inside own island region.
* Added block-protection config. If true block like chests, doors, dispensers on islands can be used only by owners/members.
* Added param priority to region-flags, now you can set priority for island regions.

**1.2.5 **
* Added delete-challenges config option.
* Items inside chest now will be stored into schematic. YOU NEED TO USE NEW SCHEMATICS FROM ZIP OR YOUR CHESTS WILL BE EMPTY !
* Now you can use more than one chest, and you can put enchanted items.

**1.2.4 **
* Remove allow-pvp config option
* Move WorldGuard flags into config file. Now you can setup flags for regions from config

**1.2.3 **
* 255 -> 256 for full height
* Island clear will now use 0->256 y coords since some structures can be outside region
* Added region-spacing config option.

**1.2.2 **
* is little bit confusing. Renaming it into islandworld.special
* Fixing correct schematic usage on island clear

**1.2.1 **
* Removed wg-save config option. IW will save regions always since WorldEdit is not saving it.
* Default value for autosave time will be 60 min.
* Changes in permissions. If user have islandworld.special permission he will autoget special schematic. He will also need islandworld.create.special permission !
* Added full-height config option. If true - worldguard region will be created from 0 to 255, if false it will have normal height

**1.2.0 **
* Added command block if IW is not loaded correctly, why people doesnt read logs ?
* /island home command will teleport player to island where he is added to party like /island tp ownername but only owner can use sethome.
* Changes into config options. Now you need to setup whole itemlist for schematic. for example now items for normal player in config are inside list items-normal. For special players with perms whole list needs to be named items-special. You can define item list for every schematic, just name it items-SchematicName.
* islandworld.special.items perm is no longer used
* perm is no longer used


* IN Config.yml rename items: to items-normal: and if you use VIP schematic put whole list into items-special: not only additional items
* For normal users you MUST set islandworld.create.normal permission and for VIP group if you use it islandworld.create.special permission

**1.1.9 **
* Changed a little island reuse
* Added admin command /islandev challenges <playerName> [page] to check players challenges. Use without page number for summary

**1.1.8 **
* Added party limit config
* Little code tweaks

**1.1.7 **
* Added more challenges
* Fixed problem with reward item after completing challenge
* Fixed little problem with NPE at server stop/restart

**1.1.6 **
* Challenges list will display reward if it's set
* Added global reward param into xml - its one reward for every completed challenge
* Added support for challenge signs, player can complete challenges by click on sign
* Fixed completed challenge save/restore

**1.1.5 **
* Fixing compChallenges.dat load
* Little changes in code to aviod NPEs
* Added more challenges

**1.1.4 **
* Move free list regen into separate thread
* Implementing some basic challenges system

**1.1.3 **
* Free list fix

**1.1.2 **
* Changed file format and added auto import from old dat files
* /islandev info will show last player login
* Added /islandev purge <days> - to remove all islands if player doesnt log into game from <days> days

**1.1.1 **
* /islandev info <player> will show now where player is helping
* Added config time-limit to setup limit between clear/delete commands - Can prevent material gathering

**1.1.0 **
* Fixed /island tp command - now players can teleport if owner is offline
* Fixed /islandev sethome command - admin can setup new position
* Changed permission for schematic to islandworld.create.<name> or islandworld.create.*

**1.0.9 **
* Added command /island leave - player can leave island
* Fixed problem with chest items config, now you can use items with : like 6:2 birch sapling
* Fixed problem with VIP schematic/chest content. Some permission names are changed now (!)

**1.0.8 **
* Little change in party config: disable-tp changed to strict-party, added checks inside island create, party add, etc.
* Fixed NPE related with regions
* Added autosave feature

**1.0.7 **
* Added /islandev save command - it will save islands into file, and all world guard regions
* Added dev commands /islandev protect & /islandev unprotect - for (re)creating and removing world guard regions
* Added dev command /islandev tp - teleport to player island

**1.0.6 **
* All items on ground will be deleted in whole player region on island clear (prevent gathering)
* Fixed problem with doors/bed from schematic, now will be placed correctly
* Changed water-world config into world-block-id you can use ID of material what you use to generate world

**1.0.5 **
* Z-coord for protection uses now also Island Size. Now player will got cube with Size x Size x Size island is on half height.
* Clear command will use now correct schematic for re-creating island
* Little changes in pasting schematics
* Little changes in island clear, now items like torches will no longer drop on groud
* Added admin command /islandev delete <player>

**1.0.4 **
* Added disable-tp config. If true player cannot use island tp command if he have own island.
* Added support for schematic files, now island is created from that files. (McEdit/WorldEdit format)
* Added configurable designs for players. One for default group, second with perms
* Added configurable permissions for /island create <schematicName> you need to setup islandworld.island.create.schematicName permission, and players can choose designs.

**1.0.3 **
* Added configurable isle design for special group ( permission)
* Changed island design to support more layers
* Changed special item permission to islandworld.island.special.item
* Added universal permission islandworld.island.special.*

**1.0.2 **
* Fixed admin command /islandev reload
* Added admin command /islandev info <player> which shows info about player island
* Added creation time for island(s)
* Fixed little glitch with teleports

**1.0.1 **
* Added 'debug' parameter to config file
* Added 'set-home' parameter to config file - you can enable/disable /sethome usage on island create
* Fixed problem with islandworld.island.special permissions, now items are added corectly to chest
* Fixed problem with inventories when you use multiverse inventories

**1.0.0 **
* Initial release