IRCraft v2.0 - Connecting MineCraft/Bukkit with IRC [1185]

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IRCraft - Connect Your Server with IRC

Latest Update -26/09/11 GMT+8 Version - 2.1 Beta 2

Description - IRCraft connects your Bukkit server to an IRC server so that all MineCraft messages can be seen in IRC and vice versa.


To install IRCraft, just download the IRCraft.jar (See Downloads Below) and place it into your CraftBukkit plugins folder.


Using IRCraft is very easy, after installing, run Bukkit once and IRCraft will generate a config.yml which can be found in

from your main CraftBukkit directory. Assuming you know how to use YAML, replace

nick: To what you would like the MineCraft Server to be known from IRC. It is recommended to put your Server Name here.

channel: The default channel you want IRCraft to join on startup. It is usually something like "#myAwesomeChannel".

network: The server you want to join. This can be any IRC server. Ex:

port: The port of the server you want to connect to.

password: The nickserv password of your nick (Must be registered manually)


Version 2.0

/ircjoin <channel> - Join a channel
/ircleave <channel> - Leave a channel
/ircload - Reload config and Reconnect
/ircdc - Disconnect from network
/ircrc [network] - Reconnect. Optionally, specify a network to connect to.
/irclist <channel> - List all users in a channel
/ircchanlist - List all channels in a server


For server admins, make sure you have included


into your permissions file.


Version 2.1 Beta - 26/09/11 GMT+8
Supposedly fixed the problem with color coded nicknames which appear in IRC.

Version 2.0 - 17/08/11 GMT+8
/ircdisconn -> /ircdc
/ircconn -> /ircrc
NickServ auth (into generated config.yml)
Port configuration (into generated config.yml)
Added a space to the beginning of Game->IRC messages, between nick and message.

Version 1.2 - 06/08/11 GMT+8

Shortened all commands from /ircraftcommand to just /irccommand.

Version 1.1 - 06/08/11 GMT+8
Player Join Message
Player Leave Message
Player Enter Bed Message
Player Leave Bed Message



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