iProfessions is a complete plugin for making a job-based economy for your server. Players will have a profession (Miner, blacksmith, ... Whatever you want) and will be the only players who could do some actions. For instance, if you create a blacksmith profession and give them some craft skills, only blacksmith players could craft weapons, shovels, ...
Of course, you create your professions, this is not pre-defined professions. iProfessions tries to make professions as customizable as possible, you can give them craft skills, destroy block skills, use item skills and many others.
It also offers more features like tree-profession (Make specialisation of profession), economy support, required field to learn a profession,...
Last thing, you can use iProfessions with BeardStat to use the required features (Allow a job only when player has done some things)
Hope you'll enjoy the plugin, very usefull if you have a lot of player and you want to make a real job-based economy. :)
/!\ This plugin NEEDS PluginsBaker to work, don't forget to install it ! :)
French Topic | Github | Bukkit Thread
Authors: Ptibiscuit
How to use
Open config.yml, there's 3 parts of this config. Players will be filled by itself. Config contains some config:
- max_profession: Number of professions that you're player can have. The professions' configuration is a bit hard, there's a tutorial for How to create your profession at the end of this page, hope you'll understand it well. :P
- /plearn <Tag's profession> (iprofessions.learn.<Tag>): Learn a profession. The permission for this command changes depending of the profession. If the player wants to learn the profession "miner", he would have to have the permission "iprofessions.learn.miner".
- /pforget <Profession> (iprofessions.forget): Forget one of your profession.
- /paddprofuser <Player> <Tag's profession> (iprofessions.user.profession.add): Add a profession to a player.
- /premprofuser <Player> <Tag's profession> (iprofessions.user.profession.remove): Remove a profession to a player.
- /pwhois [Player] (iprofessions.whois.other): Display job of an other player.
- /pwhois (iprofessions.whois.self): Display your job.
- /plist <Profession> (iprofessions.list): Display the list of all online players who has this profession.
There are some special permissions:
- iprofessions.god: Allows the player to do anything, even if he hasn't the good profession.
Create your profession - Step to step tutorial
Outch, outch, i'll try to be the cleariest as possible for this tutorial. First of all, here is a ready-to-fill yaml configuration to create your professions:
professions: [Tag]: name: [Name] price: [Price] parent: [Parent] required: - category: [Category] key: [Key] require: [Require] hasnot: [Hasnot] skills: breakBlock: - id: [Id] hasnot: [HasNot] smeltItem: - id: [Id] hasnot: [HasNot] craftItem: - id: [Id] hasnot: [HasNot]
For this tutorial, we're gonna create a blacksmith profession (Read those operations while looking at the result at the bottom):
The tag of this profession will be blacksmith, it means that player will have to use "/plearn blacksmith" to learn this professions.
The name of the profession will be "Blacksmith", this field is the clear name of the profession with capital letter, spaces, ...
The price is the money player will have to pay to learn this profession. I choose that learning blacksmith will cost 150 iConomy money.
The parent field is special, it will be explained in the following part, it is usefull for creating tree of profession. For my blacksmith, I'll delete this field. :)
Required field contains a list of all the required to learn this profession. For our profession, in addition to paying 150 iConomy money, players should already have broken 15 blocks of stone and 10 blocks of coal. Hasnot field is displayed when a player has not accomplished the required field. ("{LEFT}" will be replaced by the number of action left to accomplish the required (Need to break 15 blocks, I've broken 10 blocks, {LEFT} = 5 :P ))
Required field are handled by BeardStat plugin (You can use iProfessions without using BeardStat, but so, you can't use the required field)
At this point of the tutorial, here is our profession:
professions: blacksmith: name: Blacksmith price: 150 required: - category: blockdestroy key: stone require: 15 hasnot: You have to break {LEFT} block(s) of stone. - category: blockdestroy key: coalore require: 16 hasnot: You have to break {LEFT} block(s) of coal ore. # And the rest ....
Now, the most important part of the configuration, skills !
When you give a skill to a profession, only players of this profession will have this skill and be able to what the skill says. For our profession, only blacksmith can craft golden and diamond tools (shovel, sword, axe, ...), break gold ore and iron ore and smelt those ore. Exactly like with the required field, hasnot fields are displayed when a player tries to do an action when he hasn't the right profession. Here is the all configuration of our black-smith profession:
professions: blacksmith: name: Blacksmith price: 150 required: - category: blockdestroy key: stone require: 15 hasnot: You have to break {LEFT} block(s) of stone. - category: blockdestroy key: ironore require: 16 hasnot: You have to break {LEFT} block(s) of coal ore. skills: breakBlock: - id: 14,15 hasnot: This block is too strong, only a black-smith can break it ! smeltItem: - id: 14,15 hasnot: It's too hot for me, only a blacksmith can smelt that ! craftItem: - id: 283,284,285,286,276,277,278,279,293,294 hasnot: I can't craft this item, maybe a blacksmith can ? ...
There's a lot of type of skill. Here we've just used 3 of them, but you have a list of all type of skills below.
You can also specify a metadata, like with wool ("35-4", "35-14", ...) or stairs.
If you want others example, to see how make a complex schema of professions, you can check the Free sample, I'll try to create a lot of samples. :)
Types of skills
Tag | Purpose | Example of configuration |
craftItem | Allows the craft of an item | id: 257 hasnot: You can't craft that. |
smeltItem | Allows the player to put an item in the smelt slot of a furnace | id: 14,15 hasnot: You can't smelt that. |
breakBlock | Allows the player to break a type of block (All players are able to break block that have been placed by a player during a same server instance (If you reload or restart the server, players won't be able to break blocks that have been placed).) | id: 1 hasnot: You can't break that. |
placeBlock | Allows the player to place a type of block | id: 2 hasnot: You can't place that block. |
gainMoneyOnBreakBlock | Player will win money when he'll break a block (Don't win money with a block they have placed) | id: 1 reward: 1 |
gainMoneyOnKillCreature | Player will win money when killing a creature. (List of all types of creature here) | type: PIG,CREEPER reward: 50 |
dropItem | Allow the player to receive drop when breaking an item. | id: 1,5,2 |
wearItem | Allow the player to wear an item (helmet, boot, ...) | id: 306 hasnot: You can't wear that |
Make a tree of profession (specialisations)
You can make specialisations for professions, those professions gets the skill of their parent profession with the skill they have. Also, learning one of those professions requires to have learn't the parent profession. For instance, I want to create 2 professions:
Miner, players would first have to learn that professon. Miners can break Iron ore and Redstone Ore.
Then, players can choose between 2 professions:
Gold Miner, they have all the skills of Miner plus breaking Gold ore.
Diamond Miner, I think you have understood the thing, they have miner skills plus breaking Diamond ore.
Here is a simple schema which explains the situation:
And here is the configuration to create those kind of professions:
professions: miner: name: Mineur skills: breakBlock: - id: 15,73,74 hasnot: This block is too hard. gold_miner: name: Mineur d'or parent: miner skills: breakBlock: - id: 14 hasnot: This block is too hard. diamond_miner: name: Mineur de diamant parent: miner skills: breakBlock: - id: 56 hasnot: This block is too hard.
Notice the "parent: miner" field added for the gold_miner and diamond_miner profession.
Last thing, you have to write sub-profession AFTER the parent profession !
Make group of professions
It's an other feature that allows you to force your player to take a specific combinaison of profession. For instance: Imagine I'm trying to make a server WoW-Like. In World of Warcraft, you have basically 2 kind of professions crafting and farming profession. Farming profession are like miner, herbalist, sheep shearer, ... Crafting profession are like blacksmith, tailor, alchemist, ... In my server, I have 6 profession: miner, herbalist, lumberjack, blacksmith, alchemist and engineer. The first three are my "farming" professions, and the last three are my "crafting" one. :) In my server, players can take 2 professin, but, I want that they can take only 1 farming profession and 1 crafting profession. Well, with iProfessions, that's possible ! :D Go to your config, and find the "professions_group" node. By default, you have that:
config: max_profession: 2 profession_groups: - max_profession: 1 professions: - farmer - miner
If you have nothing, try to generate a new configuration by deleting your actual config (Don't forget to make a copy ;X) and reload the plugin. For my server, I'll create 2 groups, set the max_profession for each group to 1, and list all my "farming" professions and my "crafting" professions. Here is the result:
config: max_profession: 2 profession_groups: - max_profession: 1 professions: - lumberjack - miner - herborist - max_profession: 1 professions: - blacksmith - tailor - alchemist
Logically, the sum of all the "max_profession" of all your groups should equal to the global "max_profession" of your config. (Here, 1+1=2) /!\ Last thing, if you're working with specialization (To set up a profession tree), "professions" node in your groups have to contain only root professions (Profession that has not parent).
Link a group to a profession
If you want that when a player learn a profession, he's added to a group, well, linked_group is for you ! :P To configure a linked group, just add this to a configuration of a profession:
professions: miner: name: Mineur linked_group: miner price: 50 ...
When a player will learn the profession "miner", he will be added to the group "miner". When he forgets or he specializes the profession "miner", he will be removed. /!\ If you use the linked_group feature, you can't change the profession of a player by modifying the file because it would desynchronized groups and professions !
List of all the category of required
In the tuto, we used the category "blockdestroy", but there are more than just this one. Actually, there isn't a list of all valid category-keys, cause this is managed by BeardStat. You can easily, if you turn the config to a Database, check your database too see all the possible category. Here is a little list of my database. :)
Category | Key | Description |
blockdestroy | iron, dirt, ironore, stone, ... | Block destroyed, I don't think you need more explanation :P |
itempickup | sapling, dirt, ... | Idem |
crafting | wood, ... | This is crafting item |
blockcreate | ironore, ... | Placed and not craft item ! |
deaths | total, fall, ... | Number of deaths |
stats | chatletters, chat, login, move, playedfor, firstlogin, lastlogin, lastlogout, totalblockcreate, totalblockdestroy, damagehealed, move, | This is stand-alone stat |
kills | skeleton, spider, total, ... | People killed |
damagetaken | fall, arrow, skeleton, total,... | |
damagedealt | arrow, skeleton, entityattack, ... | |
itemdrop | wood, ... | |
exp | currentexp (The current level), lifetimeexp() | |
Use sign to make actions
You can create signs that make actions for player when they interact with them. It is simple, write "[iProfessions]" for the first line of the sign. For the second line, it depends of what you want the sign does:
- learn <tag's profession>: Will do exactly what "/plearn" does, try to learn a profession (permission: iprofessions.sign.learn.<Tag>). For instance, the permission to learn the profession "miner" with a sign is "iprofessions.sign.learn.miner".
- forget <tag's profession>: Will do exactly what "/pforget" does. The required permission to use the sign is iprofessions.sign.forget.<Tag>
- Maybe some other action, in the future. :)
Exemple, if you havn't understood: :P
Did you try to add the removing permission -iprofessions.god (Write the minus sign to say that you don't want to have this permission) ? I think /paddprofuser and /premprofuser doesn't take care of the max_professions, so you can have more than 2 professions if you use those commands. :) @cralor
Great Idea, will be done. :)
Can you add a command that will show who's online and a certain profession?
For example, /plist <profession>
So: /plist smith
Would be: Bob John23 Player14
Would print out as online players with the smith profession.
Thank you.
I got a couple of questions,
Since i'm trying to set up a SMP server and i set myself as an OP. iProfessions automatically overrides every setting i made in the game... is there an option to disable that (since i would like to be able to play fairly), or do i need to deop myself in my own server?
Is it possible for an OP to give a player a third profession if max professions is set to 2? for instance if the above question is answered with yes you can disable it. Could i create for example a "god" professions so that if i need to build a public service building or something like that, i can do that without limitations? (maybe i could work it out with a permissions plugin, but i'm still trying to set up other stuff first)
@nhoclesnar http://kefsi.blogx.pl/files/2012/04/happy-oh-stop-it-you-l1.png @ryanwagner I'm working on it. :)
I would like it if the professions could be configured with additional permissions nodes.
For example... if a player becomes a miner he may gain a permission called from another plugin.
name: Mineur
- id: 15,73,74
hasnot: This block is too hard.
- someotherplugin.subperm
Great plugin. This surpasses any other job plugin out there.
I sent it to you in a PM.
Need your config.
Also, I'm getting this error: INFO java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
Accompanied with the iprofessions failed to start error. Any ideas?
D'ailleurs, un petite date ? :D
C'est dans la prochaine version. :)
Merci de ta réponse, en effet je n'ai pas lu les commentaires d'avant , désolé :3
J'ai oublié une fonctionnalitée qui me parait utile, il faudrait pouvoir interdire d'apprendre un métier au joueur afin qu'il ne puisse que le faire soit avec un panneau soit avec une commande d'un modo ou autre. Cela permettrait de faire un sorte de pôle emploi.
Croisons les doigts :P Le plus étrange, c'est qu'il fonctionnait correctement sur mon autre serveur aujourd'hui indisponible... Boâ je verrai si j'ai une lueur divine... PS: pas d'incompatibilité plugin par hasard ?
6 messages plus bas: :3 I worked on iProfessions (and broke my "No Coding during Exam" rule) and 2 features are coded:
You're going to be able to make group of professions, and set a maximum profession count for this group. (If you didn't understand: Let's imagine you want that your players take only one "crafting" profession (blacksmith, weaver, carpenter, alchemist, ...) and one "collecting" profession (lumberjack, miner, ...) but not 2 professions of the same type. Well, it will be possible. :3 I've entirely rewrote the code about skills, I'm now able to make all kinds of skills. Here is a little list of actual type of skill i've code: - craftItem, breakBlock, smeltItem: You know them.
- giveMoneyOnBreakBlock: Like with Jobs, this skill will give money to the player when he break a special type of block.
- giveMoneyOnKillCreature: Player will receive money when he kill a living entity (Pig, Zombie, Spider,Player or ... Enderdragon ? :3), offcourse, you can choose the type of entity.
Don't hesitate to give me idea of type of skills, I love iProfessions and I want to make it as perfect as possible. :)
Hello !
J'adore ton plugin mais il manque pas mal de "skills". Il faudrait ajouter les mêmes que ceux qui sont en "category". Par exemple, je suis etonné qu'il n'y est pas de "placeBlock"... Dailleurs, un système de salaire par mois ou semaine devient urgent. Qui voudrait travailler sans être payé ? ;) Et pour finir rajouter une action permettant de gagner de l'argent quand on tue des mobs ou des joueurs sur commande de quelqu'un pourrait être pas mal. Surtout pour un metier de chasseur de prime.
Cordialement, Dixiit
Goot idea, i write down this feature in my todo-list. :)
Hey. This plugin is a great plugin, but is there a way to add armor restrictions to the classes?
Bizarre, tout devrait aller, normalement. Une nouvelle release devrait arriver demain, on verra si ça règle le problème. :)
Excuse moi pour la réponse tardive. Voici l'entête avec un métier. Les autres sont pareils niveau mise en page
Es-tu sur que tu n'as aucune erreur dans les logs ? Es-tu sur que tu n'a pas la permissions iprofessions.god ? :)