IPortal is lightweight, easy to use, portal plugin featuring not only awesome custom portal, but even bungeecord support. IPortal was mainly created for my server, so my players could easily transport world to world, or even server to server. After seeing how successful it was, i decided to release it on bukkit!
- Light on servers resources (Doesn't use PlayerMoveMent)
- Easy installation
- Supports Bungeecord
- Portal loop protection
- YAML based storage
- Instant teleportation
- Multiverse support
Command List
Command | Description | Permission |
/iportal create <name> <portaltype> | Creates portal in defined section | iportal.create |
/iportal setto <name> <portal-args> | Sets the portal's target | iportal.setto |
/iportal delete <name> | Delete a portal | iportal.delete |
/iportal toggle <name> | Toggle a portal's use | iportal.toggle |
/iportal refresh <name> <portal-args> | Resets portal's frame | iportal.refresh |
/iportal list | Lists all portals | iportal.list |
/iportal wand | Toggles blazerod-wand | iportal.wand |
PortalType | Description | Arguments |
DEFAULT | Portal to defined location teleportation | nothing |
BUNGEE | Portal to another bungeecord server teleportation | server-name |
RANDOM | Portal to random location | max teleport (1-100000) |
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Still have a question?
Still have a question?
If nothing helps, feel free to open a Ticket, explaining your problem will help us recreate, and fix the issue.
Position 1 is on rightclick and Postions 2 is on leftclick, swich them around..... So use to worldedit.. Everytime I make a mistake when selecting portal I hit the wrong one!
Guys, he is waiting on it to be approved. Wait till they approve it, or take the risk and use an unapproved version.
Staff edit: removed link to unapproved file
guys you will have to wait he probably isn't done
Can I get a download link please, this plug may be just what we are needing to run two servers with a portal to both...
Could the download possibly be open? That would be very great if it was there.
Can i have link to download this plugin plz
Yes please, that would be awesome!
You should add a feature so when you walk through a portal you atuomaticly run a command.
I can confirm now the plugin is fully working on my server! Running 1.6.2
Thanks, m3shys
Hello.. how do we download this? Which file in the source. There is no download link on the bukkit page, atm. Also.. what is your server? Maybe then we can see the plugin in action :D
Thanks mate!
Nevermind: All figured, thanks to the helpful author :D
Well, it didnt work...
Does it allow us to make custom shaped portals?
Like instead of this...
like this?