IPortal is lightweight, easy to use, portal plugin featuring not only awesome custom portal, but even bungeecord support. IPortal was mainly created for my server, so my players could easily transport world to world, or even server to server. After seeing how successful it was, i decided to release it on bukkit!
- Light on servers resources (Doesn't use PlayerMoveMent)
- Easy installation
- Supports Bungeecord
- Portal loop protection
- YAML based storage
- Instant teleportation
- Multiverse support
Command List
Command | Description | Permission |
/iportal create <name> <portaltype> | Creates portal in defined section | iportal.create |
/iportal setto <name> <portal-args> | Sets the portal's target | iportal.setto |
/iportal delete <name> | Delete a portal | iportal.delete |
/iportal toggle <name> | Toggle a portal's use | iportal.toggle |
/iportal refresh <name> <portal-args> | Resets portal's frame | iportal.refresh |
/iportal list | Lists all portals | iportal.list |
/iportal wand | Toggles blazerod-wand | iportal.wand |
PortalType | Description | Arguments |
DEFAULT | Portal to defined location teleportation | nothing |
BUNGEE | Portal to another bungeecord server teleportation | server-name |
RANDOM | Portal to random location | max teleport (1-100000) |
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Still have a question?
Still have a question?
If nothing helps, feel free to open a Ticket, explaining your problem will help us recreate, and fix the issue.
I am on your server right now and everyone is telling me it is still up :P
Well what is the banner for? Your signature? I am on that server right now looking for you.
I closed the server and gave up. Nothing worked.
I tried janus,bungeeportals and this one and they were all crap. I gave up on bungee in the end. i heard lilypad is better but never tried it as it looks long winded.
What do you use then? Why would the shotbow network use bungee if it was sloppy? Does you use Lilypad?
Do not know why that posted two of the same comment, but it does not have consistent teleport locations. When I walk through one portal, it could put me in the ground on the other server. I could go through the same portal again, and then it would put me 20 blocks away from the portal on the other server. If you could have a setfrom location, that would be awesome :D Set where the portal places a person.
I ditched it for BungeePortals instead. They both get caught in infinite loops. In the end i gave up on bungee, its just sloppy coded crap
Is the plugin still monitored and updated? There are a lot of wonderful features that should be added!
Is the plugin still monitored and updated? There are a lot of wonderful features that should be added!
Why am i spawning in the damn portal and not the servers spawn? its stupid and no cooldown so it just loop and loop. Been here 30 minutes. players all leaving in droves. killing my server
it seems to drop you where you were before. but if you come thru the portal from worldA tro worldB then the next time you go from B to A you spawn in a portal and come back to B. Which then sends you back to A and so on. PLEASE INSTALL A COOL-DOWN
Help me please
its does not work anymore, it just loops for ever
I did exactly as the tutorial states. The portals work they just infinite loop back to each other.
No clue? The plugins functionality isn't in question - it's whether or not you setup the portal correctly.
I got it working kinda. But i'm stuck in a loop between 2 worlds. It spawns me inside the opposite portal. how do you fix this?
. ...
How can I make a portal to an another world?
You need bungeecord..
as you have run two servers?
please help I can not connect two servers. I do not bad, ip, port.ect. I put the name of the server 2 well but I said no teleports helpppppp please