

The standard ban-ip and pardon-ip are overridden so that they update the logs.

- ban-ip <address|player>
Bans this IP address. Note that you cannot yet specify a reason. Totally safe to use with IPMaster.

- pardon-ip <address>
Pardons this IP address. Totally safe to use with IPMaster.

Here are the special commands.
To use any of these commands, type "/ipm" or "/IPM" followed by the command and its arguments.
Example: /ipm fullban macse unique

- ban <player|address>
Same exact thing as the overridden ban-ip.

- unban <address>
Same exact thing as the overridden pardon-ip.

- banNextAddress <player> (unique)
Bans the next IP address this user uses to log in AND kicks the player once he joins. If "unique" argument added, only does this for addresses nobody else has used (player logging must be enabled to use this setting). Useful if you want to ban someone's IP address while he is offline. Note: This will not work if the player is banned using the standard /ban command.

- banFutureAddresses <player> (unique)
Bans all future IP addresses this player uses to log in AND kicks the player once he joins. If "unique" argument added, only does this for addresses nobody else has used (player logging must be enabled to use this setting). Note: This will not work if the player is banned using the standard /ban command.

- fullUnban <player> (unique)
Unbans every IP address this player was banned under. If "unique" argument added, only does this for addresses nobody else has been banned under.

- checkBans <player> (unique)
Lists all IP address bans associated with this player. If "unique" argument added, only does this for addresses nobody else has been banned under.

- undo
Undoes the last command (unless the last action was an IPM, help, sync, or save command). Works like on a PC: if you use it twice, it will go back and undo earlier actions. Cannot undo commands called before the last server reload or restart.

- redo
Redoes the last command that was undone. Works like on a PC: if you use it twice, it will go back and redo earlier actions. Cannot redo commands undone before the last server reload or restart.

- sync
This should never need to be called, so it's more of a manual override thing. Puts anything from banned-ips.txt that is not in the plugin's database into the plugin's database under the player "unknown_player".

- ipm
Will list all IPMaster commands. Currently, it just refers you to this page.

- help <IPM command>
Will tell you what this command does and its arguments. Currently, it just refers you to this page.

- save
Forces a save to the plugin's database files. With the standard config, should never need to be used.

The following require player logging to be enabled to work (enabled by default):

- fullBan <player> (unique)
Bans every IP address this player has ever used to log in. If "unique" argument added, only does this for addresses nobody else has used.

- checkAddresses <player> (unique)
Lists every IP address this player has ever used to log in. If "unique" argument added, only does this for addresses nobody else has used.

- checkSharedAddresses <player>
Lists any IP addresses that other players share with this player.

- banSharedAddresses <player>
Bans any IP addresses that other players share with this player.

- unbanSharedAddresses <player>
Unbans any IP addresses that other players share with this player.

- banLastAddress <player> (unique)
Bans the last IP address this user used to log in. If "unique" argument added, only does this for addresses nobody else has used. Useful if you want to ban someone's IP address while he is offline.


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